MartinBray Horley Surrey UK For Sale :<BR>AF CDs: 13-41 (May1997-July1999) <BR>=50p each <BR><BR>CD CDs: <BR>4 (Nov1996) <BR>12-27 (July1997-October1998) <BR>=50p each <BR><BR>AmigaActive (Magazine and CD): <BR>4 (Jan2000) <BR>7-14 (April2000-Nov2001) <BR>16-18 (Jan-March2001) <BR>=£2 per mag+CD combo <BR><BR>AF magazines: <BR>Issues 67-79 (Xmas1994-Dec1995) (With Floppies)<BR>Issues 92-106 (Xmas96-Jan1998) <BR>Issue108 (March1998) <BR>=25p each <BR><BR>CU Amiga magazines <BR>April 1996 (with coverdisks) <BR>June 1996 (with coverdisks) <BR>Sept1996 - Oct1998 (not Oct 1997) <BR>=25p each <BR> 217 101
PhilBennett Aylesbury Bucks UK For Sale :<BR>Amiga Kit!!<BR>Power Tower inc floppy £50, 3gb hard disk 3.5" £35,<BR>IDE internal cd drive 12x £25, PicassoIV card £50, ZIV<BR>board £40, 56k modem £25, Internal Zip (bare) £30, Eyeteck scan doubler int. £40, Power Flyer Gold (a1200 Tower) £40,Voodoo 3000 16mb card £40, Mediator PCI board £50, Blizzard 060 50mhz (1260) inc 16mb ram £150, SCSI for Blizzard 1260 £30 inc 32mb ram. PC mouse adaptor II £5, Silver surfer modem board (clock port or ZIV) £10.<BR><BR>Software:<BR>Pagestream IV £40, Heretic II £15, <BR> 216 101
marksales lancaster lancashire UK <BR> For Sale :<BR> yamaha scsi cdwriter+cdrom for sale<BR> £50 or nearest offer or willing 2 trade 216 101
JamesYoungs Watford Herts UK For Sale :<BR><BR>About 30 Amiga Format CDs.... Ideally sell in blocks of 10 for £4 or all for £10.... you'll need to cover post or collect.<BR><BR><BR> 216 101
Ben Copenhagen DK Denmark For Sale : Amiga 1200 with Blizzard 1230IV 50Mhz acc. card with FPU and 32MB RAM, 800MB internal HD, OS3.9 (original), Phillips 8533 colour monitor, joystick, mouse and alle necessary cables. Among others are an null modem cable (with Amiga Explorer software from Cloanto) so you easilly can connect the Amiga to your PC and transfer software. There are also a huge amount of software (among others are an original AWeb 3.3 webbrowser and Aminet Set 9 (4 CD's)) and games included.<BR><BR>Price: 1600 Danish kr./130£ plus shipping. 216 101
AnthonyE.Bodo Lake Station Indiana, 46405 USA FT: Are you going over to the dark side & cannot get rid of your Amiga/<BR>Hardware? Well, let me help you. I'll trade 'ya "even-steven" for your Amiga<BR>and or hardware. I have a "A+ Certification Course" with CD's; floppies;<BR>manuals; hardware, blah..blah...cost originally $1,700, have all invoices &<BR>documents of proof, never used, cannot use it on Amiga :(<BR>..Please no A500's, got several of them...I will be at<BR>the Dayton Ohio Computer show on Friday Aug 25th and can bring it along?<BR>Thanks....tony<BR> <BR> 216 101
DarrenEllis Kidderminster Worcs UK For Sale :<BR><BR><BR>HARDWARE<BR>Blizzard 1230/50 + 68882 turbo card for A1200 Complete with 1230 SCSI II kit and 4 Meg Simm. All are boxed with instructions. VGC £60<BR>Boxed Amiga External Cd Drive with Pcmcia SCSI interface also rear SCSI ports enabling other devices to be attached in series. £50<BR>AMITEK Sony 3 1/2 External F/D drive £15<BR>Amiga Monitor adapter £7 <BR>2.5" Amiga 200mb internal H/D £15<BR>Amiga 1200 M/B spares or repair (3.0 Roms OK) £5<BR>Amiga mouse £3<BR>Amiga 1200 PSU £10<BR>Amiga O/S 3.5 £15<BR>Amiga O/S 3.0 £3<BR><BR><BR>CD32 WITH JEWEL CASES AND COVER SLEEVES<BR><BR>The Chaos Engine £3<BR>The Naughty Ones £4<BR>Dangerous Streets £4<BR>Super Methane Brothers £4<BR>Alfred Chicken £4<BR>Diggers / Oscars £3<BR>International Karate+ £5<BR>Last Ninja 3 £3<BR>Myth £3<BR>Seek & Destroy £4<BR>Now That What I Call Games 2 £4 <BR>Castle II £3 <BR>Network CD 2 (link your amiga cd32 to you a1200 and use as ext cd)£5<BR>The Hutchinson Encyclopedia £5<BR>chuck rock £4<BR><BR>CD32 JEWEL CASES WITHOUT COVER SLEEVES<BR><BR>Bubble And Squeak £2<BR>Akira £2<BR>Sleepwalker / Pinball Fantasies £2<BR>Mean Arenas £2<BR>Lamborghini American Challenge £2<BR>StripPot £2<BR>Clockwiser £2<BR>Gulp £2<BR>Amiga CD32 Magazine 1 disk 1 £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Magazine 2 disk 1 £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Exchange Vol 1 £1<BR><BR>BOXED CD32 GAMES<BR><BR>Vital Light £3<BR>Bubble And Squeak £4<BR>Rise Of The Robots £3<BR>Fields Of Glory £3<BR>Marvins Marvellous Adventure £4<BR><BR>Amiga CD only<BR><BR>Epic 98 Encyclopedia £5<BR>Foundation - The Directors Cut £5<BR>C64 Games Archive Epic (over 15000 Progs)£3<BR>C64 Sensations vol 2 £3<BR>The weird Science Multimedia Toolkit £1<BR>Software Explosion 1 CD £2<BR>Software Explosion 2 CD £2<BR>Amiga Emulator 98 Cd (pc, unix & mac)£2<BR>Amiga Bench 98 Epic £2<BR>Virtual Computer Pets Epic £2<BR>Nothing But Tetris Epic £2<BR>Network CD 2 (link your amiga cd32 to you a1200 and use as ext cd)<BR>Cd32 Hard Drive installer disk £3<BR><BR>Magazine CD<BR><BR>Amiga magazine no3 CD only £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Gamer 94 CD only £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Gamer 95 Cd only £1<BR>Amiga Format CD 27 only £1<BR>Amiga Format CD 24 £1<BR><BR><BR><BR>Please email for orders / availability on the above items <BR><BR>NB all orders are subject to a small chg for P/P<BR><BR> 216 101
TimStevens Nottingham Midlands UK For Sale :<BR>Much old Amiga hardware: A500 with 512Kb expansion, V2 ROM & ECS Denise. 2nd external floppy drive. A520 modulator. V1.3 ROM, OCS Denise. A500+ with 2Mb CHIP RAM. GVP A500HD+ 81 Mb Hard drive with 4MB FAST on board. Multiscan monitor (1942?) needs serious attention. Seikosha SL-95 Colour Dot-matrix printer with two spare ribbons. Software: Deluxe Music (boxed). Many Fred Fish floppies, DPaint II, WB1.3 & 2.0, Rainbow Islands. If you can collect you can have it all for nought. Sorry will not split. 216 101
AndySedgwick Cheltenham Glos UK <BR> For Sale :<BR>A2000 for sale. 68000mhz 2.1 system. 2 meg fast, 1 meg chip.<BR>two internal harddrives (40 meg and 84 meg), plus 2 internal<BR>floppy drives. Also mouse and keyboard.<BR><BR>Another broken A2000 also available. Will go free with<BR>above or will sell bits if buyer doesn't want. Has A2630<BR>(68030 accelerator and 4 meg fast ram) card, also A2386SX PC <BR>bridgeboard card.<BR><BR>Think boards are okay but cannot test. Have tried the 68030 card<BR>in good A2000, but get software failures just after hard drives<BR>kick in. May be useful to someone who knows what they're<BR>doing.<BR><BR>Best offer for any/all of above secures. Be generous as all<BR>proceeds will go to MacMillan Cancer Fund! Postage will be<BR>extra. (A lot in the case of a whole A2000!!).<BR><BR>Many thanks, Amibench. <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> 216 101
tomtom High Wycombe Bucks UK For Sale :<BR> Apollo 060/66 hardly used £160<BR> Plus a loft full of expensive things free 216 101
alanbedding colchester essex UK For Sale :<BR> Rombo Vidi-amiga 12RT video frame grabber/digitizer and image manipulater.Includes hardware/software and manual all working fine.Works with composite/svhs/hi-8 and will automatically detect pal/ntsc or secam.£45 216 101
Lee Saltash Cornwall UK Amiga Active Issue 23 (August 2001)<BR><BR>Only got it to read on the train, and I see no point in keeping it for years. Mint Condition. Make me an offer!<BR> 216 101
Rene Groningen Nederland netherlands For Sale :<BR> <BR>amiga 500<BR>1084s monitor<BR>harddisk<BR><BR>f150,- 216 101
EugeneStepanoff Saint-Petersburg RU Russia For Sale : ScanDoubler for CV64/3D. Best reasonable offer.<BR>Will ship worldwide.<BR>Thanks<BR> <BR> 216 101
alanbedding colchester essex UK For Sale :<BR> Final Writer word processor £20.Final Data database manager £20.Or by the pair for £35. 215 101
alanbedding colchester essex UK For Sale :<BR> Photogenics image editing and manipulation program £20.Deluxe paint 5 paint and animation program £20.Advanced techniques with Deluxe paint 4 and Deluxe paint 4 Video guide £10 for 2 videos. 215 101
marksales lancaster lancashire UK <BR> For Sale :<BR>external floppy drives<BR>2 8 meg ram sims<BR>3 a1200 keyboards<BR>blizzard 68020 accelerator <BR>all in perfect working order<BR> 215 101
Gerg London SW UK For Sale :<BR> Vista Pro Lite V3, for professional quality landscape artistry, only need 2mb ideal for unexpanded<BR>A1200 complete boxed<BR>Distant Suns, view planets stars etc go back to view the <BR>sky when the the Pyramids were built etc<BR>Comic Setter, create your own comic books on your Amiga<BR>Offers<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> 215 101
Gerg London SW UK For Sale :<BR> Vista Pro Lite V3, for professional quality landscape artistry, only need 2mb ideal for unexpanded<BR>A1200 complete boxed<BR>Distant Suns, view planets stars etc go back to view the <BR>sky when the the Pyramids were built etc<BR>Comic Setter, create your own comic books on your Amiga<BR>Offers<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> 215 101
JamesAdelman Harrow Middlesex UK Make that £100 for the A1260<BR><BR><BR> 215 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale :<BR> A4000 3.1 roms manuals (4) and workbench disks as new <BR>OFFERS 215 101
Barry London London UK For Sale :<BR> Alien Breed special edition 92 some on wanted was after<BR>I have boxed original<BR> 215 101
PJH Bromley Kent UK For Sale<BR>IBM 3.5 IDE 2-GIG Hard Drive<BR>Formated Amiga DOS (NO Cable)<BR>£12.00<BR>Plus P&P 215 101
JamesAdelman Harrow Middlesex UK Of course, I mean KS 3.1 ROMs. (below)<BR> 215 101
PaulChappell Southampton Hants UK For Sale :<BR>2x 32Mb 72pin SIMMS good working order £50 + postage.<BR> 215 101
MikeWroughton Nottingham Notts UK Regards mine below, I would be willing to swap for various parts for A1200 (ie. PPC/1260, GFX Card, Tower)although I doubt therewould be anyone interested in doing that?<BR><BR>Cheers<BR><BR> 215 101
JamesAdelman Harrow Middlesex UK Still available:<BR><BR>Apollo 1260/50MHz (full version w/ FPU & MMU & 2 SIMM sockets) £150<BR>32MB SIMM (above must be sold before I will split) £20<BR>2GB 3.5" IDE Hard Drive £20<BR>4-way IDE interface (registration code for shareware software [IDE-fix 97] lost) £10<BR>8x internal IDE CD-ROM drive £10<BR>Internal floppy drive from A1200 £5<BR>Power Tower £50<BR>Belinea 15" Monitor £50<BR>Black Amiga logo'd mouse & mat £5<BR>56k External Modem £20<BR>Keyboard adapter (will throw in keyboard if wanted) £5<BR>A1200 Motherboard & KS 3.5 ROMs (Problems with joystick port on mobo, not willing to split because I broke my 3.0 roms removing them) £10<BR><BR>NetConnect 2 CD + Voyager 3 £10<BR>Foundation DC CD £10<BR>AmigaOS 3.5 CD £15<BR>Amiga Developer CD 2.1 £10<BR><BR>Disk games (all originals, most with manuals) £5 each:<BR>Elite, Frontier Elite 2, Civilization, SWOS, Jimmy White's Snooker, Zool, Zool 2, Nick Faldo's Golf, PGA Golf, Premier Manager 3, Sleepwalker, Brian the Lion, Pinball Fantasies, Batman, New Zealand Story, F18 Interceptor, Scrabble, Rotox, Nightbreed, Worms, Syndicate, Indy 500, Robocod, and others...<BR><BR>Buyers pay P+P, or collect. For large items, buyer must collect. May consider offers. 215 101
MikeWroughton Nottingham Notts UK Hey there, I`ve got an A4000 if your at all interested. All is fully working...<BR><BR>A4000/040 (Actually runing an EC030 Processor)<BR>12 MB Fast Ram<BR>850MB Hard Disk (Or 120MB If You Wish)<BR>8x CDRom (If You Want It)<BR>Picasso IV (Latest Revision)<BR>14" SVGA Monitor<BR><BR>As I say, all is fully operational and working... Offers?<BR><BR> 215 101
James Sheffield South Yorkshire UK For Sale :<BR> Amiga CD32 with FMV cartridge, comes with original game pad and several CD32 games.<BR><BR>Chaos Engine<BR>Bubba N Stix<BR>Now thats what i call games<BR>Alfred Chicken<BR><BR>£200 or nearest offer 215 101
MartinBray Horley Surrey UK For Sale :<BR><BR>AF CDs: <BR>4-7 (Sept1996-Dec1996)<BR>11-41 (Mar1997-July1999)<BR>=50p each<BR><BR>CD CDs: <BR>4 (Nov1996)<BR>12-27 (July1997-October1998)<BR>=50p each<BR><BR>AmigaActive (Magazine and CD): <BR>4 (Jan2000)<BR>7-14 (April2000-Nov2001)<BR>16-18 (Jan-March2001)<BR>=£2 per mag+CD combo<BR><BR>AF magazines: <BR>Issues 58-79 (April 1994-Dec1995) <BR>Issues 92-106 (Xmas96-Jan1998) <BR>Issue108 (March1998)<BR>=25p each<BR><BR>CU Amiga magazines <BR>April 1996 (with coverdisks) <BR>June 1996 (with coverdisks) <BR>Sept1996 - Oct1998 (no Oct 1997) <BR>=25p each<BR> 215 101
Erol london n/a UK For Sale :<BR>A2000HD, kikstart 3.1, new battery installed<BR>a2091 scsi card (guru rom) with 4.3gb Drive, <BR>2meg chip, mouse and keyboard,IDE interface with attached CDROM <BR>Internal Floppy Drive. £ 200ono <BR>Mint condition and working. 214 101
NShahid Manchester Lancashire UK For Sale :<BR>A4000/030 Desktop. In excellent condition. <BR>-18megs RAM, FPU (6882) @25Mhz (is actually 33Mhz, but only clocks to 25).<BR>-Original Seagate 85MB hard drive (I'd expect someone to stick in their own current Amiga drive)<BR>-Quad-speed Mitsumi CD-ROM, with Tandem IDE controller card.<BR>-Original A4000 keyboard and mouse, cleanest keyboard you have ever seen!<BR>-All 6 original Commodore manuals (pristine condition) and 6 Workbench 3.0 disks (I will, however, pre-install Workbench 3.1).<BR>-Orignal software pack: Wordworth and Deluxe Paint IV AGA<BR><BR>Phillips CM8833 (MK1) monitor, reasonable condition.<BR><BR>All this for £400.<BR>I will not seperate the 2 main items. If you don't need the monitor, look at it as a £400 Amiga with a free monitor; if you do, look at it as a £350 Amiga with a £50 monitor :-)<BR>Either way, I don't need the monitor, but don't want to throw it away, as it works perfectly well.<BR><BR>Quick sale wanted, buyer collects. Am in the Stockport area.<BR><BR>Thanks. 214 101
DanielHutchinson Luton Bedfordshire UK For Sale :<BR><BR>*** All prices include UK P&P ***<BR><BR>HARDWARE<BR><BR>* Sega Megadrive Joypad (original Sega Japan) Amiga compatible, smart condition - £4<BR>* Quick Shot Python Joystick - £4<BR>* Quick Shot Python Joystick - £4<BR>* Commodore A600 PSU - £7<BR>* Sexy Black A1200 PSU - £7<BR>* RF lead - £2<BR>* 3m Belkin Parallel Printer Cable, grey, bidirectional, gold plated pins - £4<BR>* Amiga to Scart TV - £4<BR><BR>SOFTWARE<BR><BR>* Audio Evolution (CD-ROM) (full) including registration (yet to be sent off) - £25<BR>* Wordworth 7 (no box/manual), registered - £12<BR><BR>CLASSIC GAMES<BR><BR>* Fears AGA - £4<BR>* XTreme Racing AGA - £4<BR>* Dune II - £7<BR>* Railroad Tycoon (big box) - £4<BR>* F19 Stealth Fighter - £4<BR>* Jurassic Park ECS - 34<BR>* Fields of Glory, any Amiga - £3<BR>* Subwar 2050 AGA - £4<BR>* Dogfight, any Amiga - £3<BR>* XTreme Racing, A1200 - £4<BR>* Fears, AGA - £4 <BR>* Street Fighter 2, any Amiga - £4<BR>* Zool, any Amiga - £3<BR>* Zool 2, any Amiga - £3<BR>* Toobin, any Amiga - £1<BR>* Blade Warrior, any Amiga - £1<BR>* Torvak the Warrior, any Amiga - £1<BR>* 3D Pool, any Amiga - £1<BR>* Blinkey's Scary School - £1<BR><BR>BOOKS<BR><BR>Amiga Technologies A1200 User Guide - £2<BR>Commodore A1200 User Guide - £2<BR>Commodore Workbench 3.0 Manual - £3<BR><BR>Notes: Unless otherwise stated all software is on floppy and as new (boxed with manuals). All hardware is in full working order and in good condition. No offers please.<BR> 214 101
JeffKavelaars Auckland North Shore New Zealand For Sale :<BR> Amiga 2065 Ethernet LAN Board for the A2000. I believe<BR>it also works with an A3000/A4000. <BR>Price: US$30 or equivalent other currency, plus postage. 214 101
Rob Tacoma Wa USA For Sale :<BR>Amiga 3000 Desktop<BR> 68030/68882 @ 25mhz<BR> 2mb ChipRAM<BR> 4mb FastRAM (7.5 installed, needs 1 1x4 SCZip to make 8mb)<BR> Kickstart 3.1<BR> 9gb Fujitsu SCSI-II hard drive<BR> 1.76mb Chinon-357 high Density floppy<BR> Mouse<BR> No keyboard<BR> OS 3.5 Installed<BR><BR>Asking $300 or best offer.<BR><BR>If you are local and can pick up, I will include a VGA<BR> monitor free.<BR> 214 101
ShazadRayaz Newcastle Newcastle UK For Sale : My Amiga has to Go :( i need some money<BR><BR>Amiga 1200(rev1d.4) in a Power Tower<BR>Blizzard 1260/64Mhz with 64Mb Ram<BR>Punchenillo mouse adaptor<BR>Power Flyer<BR>2x 4.3Gb HDs<BR>1x Teac CDROM<BR>TwisterMK2 Serial port<BR>Surf Squirrel<BR><BR>Loads of software :-<BR>Turboprint 7.18<BR>Drawstudio2<BR>OS3.5<BR>Final Calc<BR>Final Writer<BR>Final Data<BR>WordWorth6<BR>Photogenics 4/5<BR>Photogenics 2<BR>Scanquix<BR>Cinema4D 4 CD<BR><BR>loads more<BR><BR>Nearly all of Amiga Format/CU Amiga/Amiga ACtive CDS and magazines. <BR><BR>Loads more<BR><BR>*HAS TO COLLECT AS THER IS TOO MUCH STUFF*<BR>*WILL NOT SPLIT*<BR>OFFERS 213 101
Greg London Sw UK For Sale :<BR> Devpac V2 manuals pocket programming guide<BR>and disks<BR> Protext V5 user guide reference manual and software<BR> Brilliance v2 complete boxed the final version<BR> Imagemaster 24 bit morphing plus other complex operations<BR>Offers 213 101
Greg London Sw UK For Sale :<BR> Pro Midi Interface by Microdeal complete with user guide<BR>and software boxed as new<BR>Offers 213 101
Bill Surrey B.C. Canada For Sale : <BR>Prices are in US currency and do not include shipping costs:<BR>4 GVP ram simms - 64 pin w/4megs on each - $50 all<BR>A600 survival/HD upgrade kit includes an 80meg mini drive,<BR>A600 HD mounting brackett, 2.05 rom, original disks for rom,<BR>mouse, power brick, keyboard, monitor and printer cables - $40<BR>GVP rollerball mouse - $15 <BR> 213 101
AnthonyE.Bodo Lake Station, Indiana, 46405 USA FS/FT:<BR>Iomega external ZIP drive (SCSI); ac adapter & (5) extra 100MB<BR>cartridges.<BR>SHARP XU-177A Phone/Fax & Caller I.D. with extra rolls of fax paper.<BR>Both units work and guaranteed not to be DOA!<BR>Make offer or might trade for Amiga hardware?<BR>talk to me!....thanks...tony<BR> <BR> 213 101
JorgeCanelhas Lisbon PORTUGAL Portugal For Sale :<BR><BR>Amiga 3000 rom tower without roms<BR>Make an offer.<BR> 213 101
JorgeCanelhas Lisbon PORTUGAL Portugal For Sale :<BR><BR>Phase 5 Cybervision 64, with 4 megs.<BR><BR>Make an offer.<BR> 213 101
DarrenEllis Kidderminster worcs UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Blizzard 1230/50 + 68882 turbo card for A1200 Complete with 1230 SCSI II kit and 4 Meg Simm. All are boxed with instructions. VGC £65<BR>Boxed Amiga External Cd Drive with Pcmcia SCSI interface also rear SCSI ports enabling other devices to be attached in series. £65<BR>AMITEK Sony 3 1/2 External F/D drive £15<BR>Amiga Monitor adapter £7 <BR>2.5" Amiga 200mb internal H/D £15<BR>Amiga 1200 M/B spares or repair (3.0 Roms OK) £5<BR>Amiga mouse £3<BR>Amiga 1200 PSU £10<BR>Amiga O/S 3.5 £15<BR>Amiga O/S 3.0 £3<BR><BR>Please email for orders / availability on the above items <BR><BR>NB all orders are subject to a small chg for P/P 213 101
ChristofferAronzon Umeå Västerbotten Sweden This is going:<BR><BR>* A4000D, Rom 3.1, 2Mb CHIP<BR>* Phase5 CyberStormPPC, 50Mhz 060 och 233Mhz 604e, Symbiosis U2WSCSI.<BR>* 96 Mb 60ns RAM (I've got 128Mb in my PC, but without any RAM the PC is going to become slow, so, if you want that, it's going to cost you ;-))<BR><BR>== I'm might keep the SCSI units, depends on the offers ==<BR>* 9.1 Gb Fujitsu U2WSCSI <BR>* U2W cable and active terminator<BR>* U2W (68pin) - SCSI-2 (50pin) active converter<BR>* Loads of SCSI-2 (50pin) cables<BR>* Active SCSI-2 (50pin) terminator<BR>* Hewlet Packard (HP2060) CD-R 2x/4x<BR><BR>* PicassoIV with manuals<BR>* Sunrize Industries Studio16, AD516. Software on disks<BR>* Repulse Soundboard, original box, manual, disks/CD-Rom. Hardly even used!<BR>* A2065 Ethernet with AUI Tranciever<BR><BR>* IDE port block, homemade. Will reduce your cold-boot time with almost 30s(!). This is a must if your running a SCSI only system, trust me :-)<BR><BR>* AmigaOS 3.5<BR>* AmigaOS 3.9<BR><BR><BR>This is about as fast as an Amiga you can get your hands on these days. Get yourself a Voodoo3 or a CVPPC and few people will outrun you! This is the shit, I'm telling you :-).<BR><BR>Only serious offer please, I know how much I payed for this stuff and I'm not going to play games with you. I will sell parts if the prices are alright.<BR><BR>NOTE! Only buyers from Scandinavia, Swedes will be up first. I can ship worldwide ofcource, but then your offers will have to be really good. Sorry.<BR><BR><BR>Best regards<BR>Christoffer Aronzon<BR>Umeå, Sweden. 213 101
DarylSmith Hull East Yorks UK For Sale :<BR> <BR>Voodoo 3 3000 PCI video card. Boxed with all drivers, manuals etc<BR><BR>£45 inc p&p 213 101
WilliamWallace Glasgow Scotland UK an A/V trasmitter set. trasmits video and stereo<BR>audio over radio waves to included receiver. <BR>Transmitter takes composite video and stereo phono audio.<BR>Receiver goes straight into scart socket.<BR>Transmits over 4 channels at upto 100ft, perfect for presentations,<BR>video veiwing, playing games on another TV, or like I use it<BR>for, to use a TV to display 15hz screens across the room.<BR>Perfect condition, includes box and all needed cables and power supplies.<BR>Will sell for £55 inc P+P or swap for a zorro ethernet card.<BR> 213 101
Ben Crewe Cheshire UK For Sale : <BR>Amiga stuff:-<BR>HiSoft Midi interface with midi cables 10pounds<BR>Unknown Genlock no cables or software 6pounds<BR>Loads of cover cd's u want them there yours.<BR>AteoBus for A1200 with PIXEL 64 graphics card and Yamaha soundcard worked 3months ago haven't tried since. 60pounds<BR>Pionner Scsi cdrom drive, works with BLizzard scsi great 15pounds.<BR><BR>PC stuff:-<BR>6gb Archos Portable Usb mp3 player(great condition still boxed) 160ono<BR>Abit kt7a motherboard still boxed+Duron 800mhz. 130pounds<BR>Nvidia tnt2 64mb AGP graphics card 15pounds<BR>Soundblaster Live! 512 30pounds<BR><BR><BR> 212 101
NigePeirce Exeter Devon UK For Sale : A1200 "32Bit Power" (Thats the blurb on the box) Excellent condition, I bought it from ebay but I have just bought a towered 1200 so it is surplus to requirements.<BR><BR>£30 + Postage or would swap for an A2000 working system.<BR><BR>Hope to hear from you soon<BR><BR><BR> 212 101
AdamJ Oldham Manchester UK Feedback: The modem has been sold, thanks to many people for all the replies, and thanks team amibench.<BR> <BR> 212 101
JonWard Canterbury Kent UK For Sale :I am soon going to dispose of my TWO A3000T systems. Brief specs as follows. <BR><BR>A3000T with Cyberstorm MkII 060/64 96+16meg, Picasso IV, IBM 2gig, OS3.9, all latest chips, GVP I/O, x36 Pioneer CDROM. Superb condition. A stunner for condition/performance.<BR><BR>A3000T (tansformered) with A3640, Picasso II, EyeTech Z3 Portplus, various SCSI HD, Catweasel+Buddha+ 1.6gig IDE HD, CDROM, etc. Zip100 SCSI. OmniPen tablet. Micronic E3 scanner (mint!). Take the lot!<BR><BR>There is a TON of bits & pieces for both, mags, CDs, software, leads, chips etc etc. I would suggest the purchaser also thinks about buying the second for spares or pillage, selling on the bits not required.<BR><BR>So here's the rub: let me know if you're interested and can COLLECT should things eventually proceed that far. I will let you have a list in due course! The computers are very heavy and I simply won't attempt to courier these. The "top" arrangement will not be parted out for the sake of it. 212 101
JohnGarrington Swindon Wilts UK For Sale :<BR>All items include P&P in UK only<BR><BR>A4000T Amiga Technologies inc motherboard 3.1 roms no HD's just bare needs fixing as shorted out decided to split up & sell.Has SCSI 2 built in. £130 <BR>Micronik 1.76mb A4000 internal floppy £35<BR>3x 32meg single sided sims £32ea<BR>4x 4 meg single sided sims £4ea<BR>Seagate SCSI 2 4gig tape streamer with software 2 tapes £35<BR>SCSI 2 PCI card for PC or Amiga if you can get driver £25<BR>Emplant Mac card with manuals & disks £30<BR>A4000 keyboard new one from power £30<BR>CD32 Boxed good condition £60 <BR>CD32 for spares £20 cdrom will not spin rest works<BR>Brand New PC monitor 14" £60 <BR>Pioneer SCSI cdrom internal 32x lasermem £35<BR>56k modem £35 <BR>Amiga Joysticks £7 each<BR><BR>GAMES<BR>Simon 2 £15<BR>Superfrog cd32 new release £8<BR>Eat Whistle £5<BR>Virtual GP £5<BR>Big Red Adventure £5<BR><BR><BR>Classic Games & Rare Ones<BR>Capital Punishment £4.00<BR>Bubble & Squeek cd32 £4.00<BR>Thomas Tank & Friends £2<BR>Total Football £4.00<BR>Uridum 2 £6<BR>Skeleton Crew 1200 aga £6<BR>Kid Chaos £4<BR>Pinball Dreams £4<BR>Ruffian £2<BR>Legends cd32 £4<BR>Curse of Enchantia £6<BR>JetStrike AGA £6<BR>Strip Pot cd32 £2<BR>Robocop 3 inc dongle £6<BR>Classic collection Flashback,anotherworld,cruise for a,operation stealth & future wars £12<BR>Ruff&Tumble £4<BR>AB3dII-TKG £12<BR>Wiz n Liz £4<BR>Wrath of demon £6<BR>Thunderbirds £6<BR>Worms £4<BR>Subwar 2050 cd32 £6<BR>Jag xj220 £4<BR>Roadblasters £4<BR>Microprose Gprix £4<BR>StarTrek 25th aga £12<BR>Speris legacy a1200 £6<BR>SuperMethane cd32 £4<BR>Universe £6<BR>Cruise for a £5<BR>Cosmic spacehead £4<BR>AB3d aga disk £6<BR>Jurassic Park aga £6<BR>Cannon Fodder 2 £5<BR>Zeewolf 2 £4<BR>Zeewolf £4<BR>AV88 Harrier assault £4<BR>Shaddow of beast 1 £4<BR>" "2 £2<BR>" "3 £4<BR>SWIV £5<BR>StarGlidder2 £5<BR>Winners ledstorm,Thunderblade,blasteroids,ImpossMisII £6<BR>SlySpy £3<BR>Eagles Nest £4<BR>Rainbow Islands £3<BR>Bionic Commandos £4<BR>TestDrive 2 inc Supercars,Muscle cars,Calafornia £6<BR>Gunship2000 cd32 £4<BR>Project X 3disk £4<BR>Spy vs Spy £4<BR>Slayer Hewson £4<BR>Ikari warriors £4<BR>Robin Hood £4<BR>WF WrestleMania £4<BR>Exolon Hewson £4<BR>Jungle Strike AGA £6<BR>Pinball Illusions CD32 £6<BR>Sensible Golf £6<BR><BR><BR><BR> 212 101
CarlMoppett Nottingham Notts UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Blizzard PPC 060 50 Mhz 603e 280Mhz SCSI<BR>Socketed Oscillators.<BR><BR>BVision Graphix Card + Software<BR>96MB Ram<BR><BR>£300<BR><BR>Do you fancy upgrading to a cable modem.<BR>The following works with ntl: broadband 512K Cable modem.<BR>Download at 60 - 70 K per second.<BR><BR>Micronik Zorro2 Busboard With Micronik AT PSU<BR>X-Surf Ethernet + Software <BR>Multiface 3 IO Card + Software<BR><BR>£150<BR><BR><BR>Sell the whole lot together for £400<BR>Can be seen working.<BR><BR>Postage & Packaging Extra.<BR><BR>All you need is a Registered Miami 1.0C<BR><BR>Campervan Repairs Force Sale.<BR> 212 101
Steve Fleet Hants UK for sale:<BR><BR>Micronik Z3i Zorro port expansion bus for A1200.<BR><BR>Features: 5 x Zorro 2/3 slots (1 with in line video slot)<BR> 2 x ISA slots<BR> 3 x PCI slots<BR> Fast SCSI-2 interface (10Mb/sec)<BR> A4000 cpu "fast" slot for Cyberstorm etc<BR><BR>Comes with Video Slot enabler, nearly working 386 bridgeboard, ISA VGA graphics card, ISA ethernet card and full instructions. Latest revision 6.8, known to work well with motherboard revisions 1d1 and 1d4.<BR><BR>£90 inc p & p 211 101
ChristopherTrimby Bournemouth Dorset UK Amiga 1200 (boxed vgc) in tower system. Complete with 160MHz PPC, 25MHz '040, 18MB RAM (total), 24x CD-ROM Drive, 2 floppy disk drives, and 100MB hard drive. Also mouse, keyboard, joystick, games and other software. Only £200 for quick sale! 211 101
ramon exeter devon UK <BR> For Sale :<BR> a12oo in eyetech tower includes blizzard 68o4o plus scsi kit<BR>includes 2x32fp ram cd rom 1x3.2 hd also1x7oohdplus alldisks required<BR>££2oo also epson 5ooo scanner £5o<BR>seen in good working order phone o1392 668588<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> 211 101
AndrewFry Chippenham Wiltshire UK For Sale :<BR>Amiga 1500,with keyboard and mouse.Fully woking.<BR>Offers ,or possible Amiga 1200 cd drive swap.<BR> 211 101
GarethMurfin Stirling Central Scotland UK For Sale : <BR><BR>Original STFAX CD - Mint condition (£12 + p&p)<BR>Original AmigaOS 3.5 CD - Mint Condition (£15 + p&p)<BR>Original Napalm CD - Mint Condition (£10 + p&p)<BR>Original Quake68k CD Mint - Condition (£10 + p&p)<BR><BR>If you buy 2, I'll give you £3 off, if you buy 3 I'll give you £6 off, if you buy 4 I`ll give you one for free.<BR><BR>email me if you want to buy any of these.<BR> 211 101
NigelFrench Spalding Lincolnshire UK For Sale :<BR> Western Digital 17gb EIDE Hard Drive £65ono inc. P&P, (note you will need OS3.5/OS3.9 to use<BR>this drive with an Amiga) No bad sectors, it`s too big for what I need for my Amiga and my PC doesn`t<BR>support drives bigger than 8gb :(<BR><BR>Amiga A2000, 1mb ram, 2 FDD's, keyboard, mouse, joystick, power lead, user manual, <BR>workbench 2.04. - £40.00 +P&P (about £15 by courier).<BR><BR>Amiga PAL monitor, no leads or manual. Sold as seen. - £15.00 inc. P&P.<BR><BR>Amiga A500+, no FDD, faulty AGNUS chip. - £10.00 inc. P&P.<BR>Amiga A1200, no FDD, faulty keyboard chip. - £12.00 inc. P&P.<BR><BR>AMIGA BOOKS<BR>Amiga basic inside and out. - £6.00 inc. P&P.<BR>Wordworth companion. - £5.00 inc. P&P.<BR><BR>I STILL HAVE THE FOLLOWING CD32 GAMES FOR SALE AT £5.00 EACH INCULDING P&P.<BR><BR>SUBWAR 2050<BR>ATR<BR>DEATH MASK<BR>NIGEL MANSELL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP<BR>KINGPIN<BR>CLOCKWISER<BR>WHALES VOYAGE<BR>HEMIDALE 2<BR>SKELETON KREW<BR>SEEK & DESTROY<BR>FLY HARDER<BR>LIBERATION<BR>QUICK THE THUNDER RABBIT<BR><BR>AND ON FLOPPY DISK AT £3.00 EACH INCLUDING P&P.<BR>ALL ARE BOXED WITH INSTRUCTIONS.<BR><BR>TROLLS A1200<BR>INTERNATIONAL SPORTS CHALLENGE<BR>INTACT<BR><BR>THE FOLLOWING ARE ORIGINALS ON FLOPPY DISK, BUT WITHOUT BOXES OR<BR>INSTRUCTIONS.<BR>THEY ARE £1.00 EACH INCLUDING P&P.<BR><BR>NICK FALDO GOLF<BR>NIGEL MANSELL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP A1200<BR> 210 101
StevenHolmes Nr. Bedworth Warwickshire UK For Sale :<BR>CD32. Includes PSU/TV lead/1 joypad.<BR>Working A1 apart from picture being slightly out (does not stop you using it at all, it's just a little liney).<BR>Therefore - £15<BR> 210 101
Matt Norwich Norfolk UK For Sale : <BR><BR>A1200 desktop computer £25 <BR><BR>Dual serial output cable £3 <BR><BR>Midi interface £5 <BR><BR>Amiga OS 3.0 roms £5 <BR><BR>Amiga games for sale <BR><BR>Microcosm, Oscar, Chaos engine, Nemac IV Directors cut, Diggers, Banshee, Fears, Sleep walker, Super skid marks, Dungeon master II, Gloom, Operation stealth, Pinball illusions, Civilisation, F19, Aladin, Capital punishment, Monkey island 1 & 2, Simon the sorcerer, Marvin's mavellous adventure, Worms, Subwar 2050, Jurrasic park, Their finest hour, Liberation, Breathless, Slam tilt, Alian Breed 3D, Themepark, Gloom, Super stardust. <BR><BR>£2 each or the lot for £35 <BR><BR>Others <BR><BR>Blitz basic 2.1 £5 <BR>Asim CDFS V3.0 £5 <BR>CD Boot (Boots CD32 games on A1200) £5 <BR>Master sound £5 <BR>Vidi Amiga 12 inc vidi hardware unit £10 <BR>Amos Pro £5 <BR>Amos Craft £2 Amos stuff with books <BR>Wordworth 6 inc Extras £8 <BR>Aminet CD7 - CD20 (11 is missing) £4 each or the lot for £30 <BR>Magic publisher £5 <BR>AGA utils 3 £3 <BR>Messysid ConverterII £3 <BR>WB3.0 software HD installer £3 <BR><BR>Magazines & CD's <BR><BR>Amiga Format from June 1996 - March 2000 <BR><BR>Amiga Magazine From November 1995 - September 1998 <BR><BR>Offers please <BR><BR>LOADS OF BOOKS PLEASE ENQUIRE e.g Amiga helping books, programming, WB etc... <BR><BR> 210 101
Jim St Austell Cornwall UK For Sale :<BR>Amiga Books:-<BR><BR>Amiga ROM krm-Includes and Autodocs 3rd edition<BR>Amiga ROM krm-Devices 3rd edition<BR>Amiga ROM krm-Libraries 3rd edition<BR>Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual 3rd edition<BR><BR>Amiga Hardware Reference Manual for OS1.3<BR>GFA Basic 3.5 Interpreter<BR>Advanced Amiga Basic <BR>Amiga Graphics Inside & Out<BR>Amiga Machine Language<BR>Mastering Amiga Assembler<BR>Amos Amiga Game Makers Manual<BR>Amiga Assembler<BR>Mastering Amiga Arexx<BR>Intuition - Practical Amiga Programmer`s Guide<BR>Mastering Amiga Dos 3<BR>Mastering Amiga Printers<BR>Program Design Techniques<BR>Complete Amiga C<BR>Amiga Tricks & Tips<BR>Inside The Amiga With C 2nd edition<BR>Amiga for Beginners<BR>AmigaDOS Inside & Out<BR>Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries and Devices<BR>The Amiga Guru Book<BR>Mapping the Amiga 2nd edition<BR>Amiga 3D Graphic Programming in Basic<BR>Amiga Intern (Poor Condition)<BR><BR>All above are good condition except where stated<BR><BR>Offers on all or any 210 101
keithbradley birmingham midlands UK Microvitec 14" monitor, the ulitmate Amiga monitor, perfect working order, buyer must collect. Offers. 210 101
roy pensby m/sidevarious keyboards UK For Sale :additionto ad..<BR>1086 monitor-<BR> 209 101
roy pensby merseyside UK For Sale :powercomputing amiga 1200-t<BR>200wattpsu-1200motherboard3.1roms-amiga400keyboard-32x cdrom drive int-ide buffered interface+software<BR>&keycode-typhoon accelerator 8mb+scsi enabled-3.2gbeide ultra dma hd-all cables software and manuals<BR><BR>2]heath robinson tower,1200amiga-dkb68030accelerato28mghtz<BR>with clock and calender.8mgbsimms memory-genlock for home video titling-cdrom-broken hd-ide intrface+cables-floppy drive-discs and manuals-joystick-external floppydrive.<BR>software---turboprint +manuals-deluxpaintFOUR with soft ware discs[70 back grounds animated text brushes anibrushes coloured fonts all for video titling <BR>3]many misc discs utilities etc,,complete set up for sale<BR><BR> £300 o.n.o <BR> 209 101
KarenLegate Blackpool Lancashire UK For Sale : Magnum Turbo1230/40 acc card<BR>£40 ono<BR> 209 101
Bob Keighley W.Yorks UK FOR SALE :<BR><BR>SCSI SQUIRREL the scsi interface for A1200 & A600<BR>all instuctions and software....£25 + p&p<BR><BR>Amiga net&web includes ibrowse1.2 £10 + p&p<BR><BR>Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis £5 + p&p<BR><BR>Info nexus £4 + p&p<BR><BR> <BR>Books:-<BR><BR>Little blue workbench 2.0 book £4<BR>Amiga next steps £5<BR>Workbench3.0 £5<BR>user guide A1200 £3<BR>Amiga Surfing £4<BR><BR>all plus p&p All in good nick<BR><BR>Videos:-<BR><BR>Amiga Format " get the most out of Clarissa £4<BR>Successful Home Video £4<BR>Adorage 2.0 AGA £6<BR>Advanced Guide to WordPerfect 6.0 £6<BR><BR>all plus p&p<BR><BR><BR> <BR> 209 101
GaryAndrews Middlesbrough Cleveland UK For Sale :<BR>7 intelocking disk boxes<BR>cyclone disk copier plus software ( plugs in between your amiga and external floppy )<BR>offers<BR>NOTE buyer must collect - however will post cyclone 209 101
AdamJ Oldham Manchester UK Hi all again, for sale a Smartlink 5634RS duel 56K modem (V.90/K56 Flex in 1 box) Voice/data/fax/Video Ready, built in microphone (works quite well as a speaker phone) has mic/ear phones sockets, <BR>and comes with the proper HTML manual (with diagrams and pictures) on a DD amiga formated disk in a lha file, and includes the Recommended initialization string for modem-to-modem games, <BR>and recommended initialization string for general purpose data communications, been used and works fine using Miami/Genesis/STfax/phone wizzard, <BR>comes with the usual accessories, phone lead,serial lead,power ac adapter,floppy, what more can i say ? oh and it looks quite sexy :) <BR>Offers, if you live local you can come and see it working, 0161 624 5356 <BR> <BR> <BR> 209 101
DarrenEllis Kidderminster worcs UK For Sale :<BR><BR><BR> CD LIST -<BR><BR>HARDWARE<BR><BR>Blizzard 1230/50 + 68882 turbo card for A1200 Complete with 1230 SCSI II kit and 4 Meg Simm. All are boxed with instructions. VGC £80<BR>AMITEK Sony 3 1/2 External F/D drive £15<BR>Amiga Monitor adapter £7 <BR>2.5" Amiga 200mb internal H/D £15<BR>Amiga 1200 M/B spares or repair (3.0 Roms OK) £5<BR>Amiga mouse £3<BR>Amiga 1200 PSU £10<BR>Amiga O/S 3.5 £15<BR>Amiga O/S 3.0 £3<BR><BR><BR>CD32 WITH JEWEL CASES AND COVER SLEEVES<BR><BR>The Chaos Engine £3<BR>The Naughty Ones £4<BR>Dangerous Streets £4<BR>Super Methane Brothers £4<BR>Alfred Chicken £4<BR>Diggers / Oscars £3<BR>International Karate+ £5<BR>Last Ninja 3 £3<BR>Myth £3<BR>Seek & Destroy £4<BR>Now That What I Call Games 2 £4 <BR>Castle II £3 <BR>Network CD 2 (link your amiga cd32 to you a1200 and use as ext cd)£5<BR>The Hutchinson Encyclopedia £5<BR>chuck rock £4<BR><BR>CD32 JEWEL CASES WITHOUT COVER SLEEVES<BR><BR>Bubble And Squeak £2<BR>Akira £2<BR>Sleepwalker / Pinball Fantasies £2<BR>Mean Arenas £2<BR>Lamborghini American Challenge £2<BR>StripPot £2<BR>Clockwiser £2<BR>Gulp £2<BR>Amiga CD32 Magazine 1 disk 1 £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Magazine 2 disk 1 £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Exchange Vol 1 £1<BR><BR>BOXED CD32 GAMES<BR><BR>Vital Light £3<BR>Bubble And Squeak £4<BR>Rise Of The Robots £3<BR>Fields Of Glory £3<BR>Marvins Marvellous Adventure £4<BR><BR>Amiga CD only<BR><BR>Epic 98 Encyclopedia £5<BR>Foundation - The Directors Cut £5<BR>C64 Games Archive Epic (over 15000 Progs)£3<BR>C64 Sensations vol 2 £3<BR>The weird Science Multimedia Toolkit £1<BR>Software Explosion 1 CD £2<BR>Software Explosion 2 CD £2<BR>Amiga Emulator 98 Cd (pc, unix & mac)£2<BR>Amiga Bench 98 Epic £2<BR>Virtual Computer Pets Epic £2<BR>Nothing But Tetris Epic £2<BR>Network CD 2 (link your amiga cd32 to you a1200 and use as ext cd)<BR>Cd32 Hard Drive installer disk £3<BR><BR>Magazine CD<BR><BR>Amiga magazine no3 CD only £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Gamer 94 CD only £1<BR>Amiga CD32 Gamer 95 Cd only £1<BR>Amiga Format CD 27 only £1<BR>Amiga Format CD 24 £1<BR><BR><BR><BR>Please email for orders / availability on the above items <BR><BR>NB all orders are subject to a small chg for P/P<BR> 209 101
Bob Keighley Yorks UK For Sale :<BR><BR>BOOKS<BR><BR>AMOS PROFESSIONAL , USER GUIDE <BR>by Mel Croucher & Steven Hill.<BR>As it says on the cover " The Ultimate Programming Tool<BR>For Your AMIGA "<BR>Good Condition £10.00 + p&p<BR><BR>*****************************************<BR><BR>Amiga WB2.0 Using the Amiga Workbench Manual<BR>£5.00 + p&p<BR><BR><BR><BR> <BR><BR> 209 101
MichaelKane Belfast Down UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Prograb 24RT plus video grabber (no manual but the software is easy to<BR>use) £40+postage<BR><BR>Hisoft Highspeed Pascal<BR>£20 ono + UK postage (2 manuals so it's a bit heavy)<BR><BR>M.<BR> <BR><BR> 209 101
pixel-art Nantes Loire-Atlantique France For Sale :<BR> <BR>1084 SP1 stereo monitor : <BR>DCTV card + manual + cables :<BR>230 watts electric power unit for Amiga 1200 :<BR><BR>Make offers. 209 101
KevinMcAspurn Hebden Bridge West Yorks UK <BR> For Sale :<BR> SCSI Hard drives, Various sizes from 2 to 9 Gig, mostly 68 pin, but<BR>some 50 pin IDC. All at reasonable prices, contact me for details.<BR>Will swap for A4000 expansion/upgrade hardware.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> 208 101
JohnTeece Barnsley South Yorkshire UK For Sale :<BR>Amiga 1200, 030 accelerator + 16 meg fast memory, 500Mhz hard disk, extra floppy drive, CDROM drive, surge proof power supply, Philips monitor, over 70 Amiga related CDROM's, professional graphic and wordpro programs on floppy, books etc. £120 ono. 208 101
AndreaCampanini Forlì Emilia-Romagna Italy original Amiga games for sale; just email me for the list. 208 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale :<BR>GVP HC+8 series 2 SCSI card, with 8Mb on board RAM, and 850Mb SCSI H/D. Works with all big box Amigas. Complete with drivers. Offers. 208 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale :<BR>Picasso IV graphics card. Complete with all cables, software, and manual. Offers. 208 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale :<BR>Cyberstorm MK1, 040@40 accelerator, for the A4000. Can be upgraded to 060. With 32Mb memory on board, upgradable to 128Mb. Offers 208 101
GarethLewis Swansea South Wales UK *** Lower prices ***<BR><BR>A Zipstik and a Python 1M - both are fully-microswitched joysticks for any Amiga, Atari etc, both with autofire, £4 each or £7 for the pair (inclusive of postage)<BR><BR>Trapdoor-fitting A1200 memory expansion card with BBRTC, can take an FPU, takes one SIMM up to 8MB, comes with a 4MB SIMM, £15.<BR> 207 101
JohnRapley Plymouth Cornwall UK For Sale :Anyoneone want to make an offer for the Emplant card I have taken out of my A400 207 101
Matt Norwich Norfolk UK For Sale : <BR><BR>A1200 desktop computer £25 <BR><BR>Dual serial output cable £3 <BR><BR>Midi interface £5 <BR><BR>Amiga OS 3.0 roms £5<BR><BR>Amiga games for sale <BR><BR>Microcosm, Oscar, Chaos engine, Nemac IV Directors cut, Diggers, Banshee, Fears, Sleep walker, Super skid marks, Dungeon master II, Gloom, Operation stealth, Pinball illusions, Civilisation, F19, Aladin, Capital punishment, Monkey island 1 & 2, Simon the sorcerer, Marvin's mavellous adventure, Worms, Subwar 2050, Jurrasic park, Their finest hour, Liberation, Breathless, Slam tilt, Alian Breed 3D, Themepark, Gloom, Super stardust. <BR><BR>£2 each or the lot for £35 <BR><BR>Others <BR><BR>Blitz basic 2.1 £5 <BR>Asim CDFS V3.0 £5 <BR>CD Boot (Boots CD32 games on A1200) £5 <BR>Master sound £5 <BR>Vidi Amiga 12 inc vidi hardware unit £10 <BR>Amos Pro £5 <BR>Amos Craft £2 Amos stuff with books <BR>Wordworth 6 inc Extras £8 <BR>Aminet CD7 - CD20 (11 is missing) £4 each or the lot for £30 <BR>Magic publisher £5 <BR>AGA utils 3 £3 <BR>Messysid ConverterII £3 <BR>WB3.0 software HD installer £3 <BR><BR>Magazines & CD's <BR><BR>Amiga Format from June 1996 - March 2000 <BR><BR>Amiga Magazine From November 1995 - September 1998 <BR><BR>Offers please <BR><BR>LOADS OF BOOKS PLEASE ENQUIRE e.g Amiga helping books, programming, WB etc... <BR> 206 101
ShaneStrawn Blandford Dorset UK For Sale :<BR>Connor 3.5" 540Mb hard drive. GWO formatted with WB3.0 installed £10 + P+P<BR>64Mb 60NS double sided EDO SIMM £50 + P+P<BR>Any serious offers considered<BR>Thanks<BR>Shane<BR> 206 101
AlexTaylor Edinburgh Lothian UK For Sale :<BR>CDs - £2 each ono unless otherwise stated<BR>-----------------------------------------<BR>Goldfish - 2 CD set containing the entire Fred Fish collection<BR>Aminet 5<BR>Aminet 6<BR>F-16 Flight Sim for CDTV plus Wrath of the Demon and CDTV welcome disk<BR>MacOS 8 with 8.1 update CD - £25 ono<BR>Floppies<BR>--------<BR>Fusion/PCx pack - £15 ono<BR>AmiFileSafe v2.01 with manual - £5 ono<BR>GigaMem v3.0 with manual - £5 ono<BR>Amiga DevKit v3.1 (5 disks) - £5 ono<BR>Books<BR>-----<BR>Mastering Amiga C with 2 floppies - £5 ono<BR>Amiga C for Beginners - £5 ono<BR>Workbench 3.0 manual - £2 ono<BR>Hardware<BR>--------<BR>1m UltraWide SCSI (68pin) cable with 4 connectors - £15 ono<BR>5.25" removable hard drive bay/caddy - £5 ono<BR>4-way IDE interface for A4000 - £5 ono<BR>GVP IOExtender card (2 serial, 1 parallel port) - £20 ono<BR>A4000 desktop casing parts - email me with what you need<BR>Any questions, please feel free to email me!<BR> 206 101
LeeScott Chichester West Sussex UK For Sale : Various Simm sizes<BR>4Mb £5 <BR>8Mb £8 <BR>16 Mb £15 <BR>All + P&P <BR>All tested & in VGWO<BR> 206 101
JasonAdkins Bedford Bedfordshire UK For Sale :Blizzard 1230IV with SCSI card and 32mb of ram,manual/box £70 or offers,I do not want to sell but court fines must be payed.<BR> 206 101
RichardWheeldon London London UK For Sale :<BR>PPC@233 060@50 80Mb Ram.<BR>Can supply various uw scsi bits if needed.<BR>Looking for offers around the 500ukp mark,<BR><BR>iFusion - Unused. Offers around 75ukp<BR><BR>Richard<BR> 206 101
MartinBray Horley Surrey UK For Sale :<BR>Correction for advert below: <BR><BR>AF CDs 11-41 (March1997-July1999) 205 101
Ben Copenhagen Dk Denmark For Sale : Original 0S3.9 CD. Original AWeb 3.3 SE (the one for OS3.5 og 3.9). Kickstart 3.0 for A1200. All in excelent condition. Sold together og separately (buyer pays shipping). Evt. trade for scandoubler/flickerflixer (i will maby put a bit of cash on top!). <BR> 205 101
PeterHamilton Edinburgh Lothian UK For Sale :<BR> ACCELERATOR - Apollo 1240/28 including Brand new 16 MB simm......Perfect condition and never used (althoug it has been tested!!) £60.00 205 101
Mark Notts Edwinstowe UK For Sale : 1x Zorro 2 board for A1200 £25 , <BR>1x Infinatiive Tower with A1200 installed £50<BR> 205 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Real 3D 2.49: Complete, boxed with manuals<BR>Cinema 4D: CD version, Complete, boxed with manuals<BR>Brilliance v2: Complete, boxed with manuals<BR>Imagemaster: (great for morphing) Complete, boxed with manuals<BR>MiGraph OCR: with manuals<BR>Ami-File Safe Pro v2.2 (16.16): with manuals<BR>CDBoot 1.0: with manuals<BR>Offers 204 101
QuentinBrown Putney London UK Still For Sale :<BR><BR>Hardware £15 + p&p.: <BR>Philips CM 8833 monitor with 2 X Amiga to scart lead, <BR><BR>Serious Software (boxed with manuals): £5 each + p&p. some cheaper. <BR>Morph plus, <BR>Photogenics 1.1, <BR>DPaint IV, <BR>DPaint III, <BR>Photon Paint 2, <BR>Audio Master III, <BR>Fractuality, <BR>Amos, <BR>Amos 3D, <BR>Amos Compiler. <BR><BR><BR>Games (full, boxed with manuals): £4 each + p&p. <BR><BR>Cannon Fodder, <BR>Body Blows, <BR>Harlequin, <BR>Epic, <BR>Assassin, <BR>Lotus III, <BR>Terminator II, <BR>Battle Chess, <BR>Stunt Car Racer, <BR>Armour Geddon, <BR>Polulous + The promised lands, <BR>Sim City, <BR>Their Finest Hour, <BR>Supercars II, <BR>The Immortal, <BR>Gods, <BR>The Killing Cloud, <BR>Another World, <BR>Chronoquest II, <BR>Hunter, <BR>Awesome, <BR>Speedball 2, <BR>Skidmarks, <BR>Alien Breed, <BR>Body Blows. <BR><BR><BR>Games (possible disks missing but I'm not sure how many there were supposed to be, boxed with manuals): £1 each +p&p. <BR><BR>Syndicate (disks 1+2), <BR><BR><BR>Games (original disks no boxes): £2 each + p&P. <BR><BR>Robocop 3, (additional dongle required to play which I can't find but may eventually turn up.) <BR>Turrican II. <BR><BR><BR>Empty Games Boxes with manuals but no disks( just in case anyone's interested): <BR><BR>Moonstone, <BR>Lemmings 2 -the tribes, <BR>Legends of Valour, <BR>Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, <BR>Monkey Island II, <BR>Corporation, <BR>Mega Lo Mania, <BR>Warzone. <BR>+ 3d construction kit (includes instructional video). <BR>All for £1 per sale (that means any number of them for £1)+ p&p. <BR><BR><BR>Miscellaneous Cd-roms: £2 each +p&p. <BR><BR>Sounds Terrific double CD-Rom from Wierd Science, <BR>GFXs Sensation from Epic, <BR>17 Bit- Phase Four from Almethera <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> 204 101
JuneSorensen Grantham, Lincolnshire UK For Sale :A2000, 1084 hi res monitor, <BR>14" flat screen monochrome monitor, A500 keyboard 56x25x15cm, amiga mouse (still boxed), 2x 51/4" floppy disc drives, Epsom dot matrix printer. <BR> 204 101
PiyushKhengar Wembley Middlesex UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Two A520 TV modulators, in good working order. Cables not included.<BR><BR>£15 each incl. P&P<BR> 204 101
Paul Manchester Lancs UK For Sale : Turboprint 7.10 £20.<BR>Lots of games old and new, too many to list, email your requests to me!<BR>Paul. 203 101
Sam Spennymoor Durham UK For Sale<BR><BR>Amiga Active from issue number 1 to the current issue number 22. They<BR>are in good condition and come with all cover cd's. Sensible offers<BR>please, remembering add postage.<BR><BR>All the best<BR><BR><BR>Sam 203 101
AlexanderHolland Plymouth Devon UK Free to a good home:<BR><BR>A pair of A4000 KS3.0 ROM's. Send me the postage (couple of quid) and their yours.<BR><BR>Why would anyone want them?? I dont actually know, as all A4k's come with them :) 203 101
ShawnHolwegner San Mateo CA USA For Sale :<BR>Amiga 2000HD, GVP 2030, 16M Fast, DKB MegaChip (2M ECS), SCSI w/ 2G HD, Apple 600i SCSI CD, 3.1 ROM, A-Max II w/ ROMs, software. $200 <BR><BR>CBM 1084S monitor: good CRT shape, needs new power supply. Free for the hauling.<BR><BR>DSS 8+ w/ Software: $20<BR>PerfectSound w/ Software: $20<BR><BR>Supra external 14.4 modem w/ PS, miggy friendly: $10<BR><BR>12x Toshiba SCSI CDRoms (internal), XM-5108B: $10/ea<BR><BR>Unopened boxes of 8x CDRs, 80 mi, 9 per box w/ jewel case: $5/ea<BR><BR>Loads of books, video stuff, genlocks and misc; email me with your wants. 203 101
AlexanderHolland Plymouth Devon UK I thought I'd bring to your attention an A4k I saw advertised on EBAY UK.<BR><BR>Item 1256062750<BR><BR>Going (at the moment) for 150 quid, sale ends at 7pm 203 101
Erol london n/a UK For Sale :<BR>2 x A590 HD Brand new condition (1 CBM & other GVP+) - £40 each <BR><BR>A2000HD, kikstart 3.1, new battery installed, a2091 scsi card (guru rom) 4.3gb Drive,IDE interface, CDROM, 2meg chip, mouse and keyboard, Internal Floppy Drive. £ 200ono <BR><BR>1 x 1942 monitor £40 <BR>1 x 1084s monitor £40 <BR><BR>1 x CD32 Magic pack with games and controllers - £100ono <BR>1 x CD32 with FMV card,CDI movies, 1 controller, nobox £150ono 202 101
ShazadRayaz NEwcasastle upon-Tyne Newcastle upon-Tyne UK For Sale : Some Amiga stuff I found hiding :-<BR><BR>1x A1200 with 720Mb HD, Blizzard 1230/50(inc FPU) with 8 or 16 mb ram,<BR>inc PSU and wb3.0.<BR><BR>3x A1200 Caseing(no yellowing) with internal rf shield inc LEDs.<BR>1x A1200 MotherBoard Rev 1d.4 inc 3.0 roms (not sure if it works)<BR>1x A1200 MOtherboard Rev 1d.1 inc 3.0 roms (for Spares)<BR>2x Internal k/b (one with a little yellowing & one without)<BR>1x A1200 PSU units<BR>2x 2.5" cradles for A1200<BR><BR>also a Cheetah BUG joystick<BR> <BR>OFFERS 202 101
LEROy Worthing West Sussex UK ****************** FOR SALE! ********************<BR><BR>----------------------------------------------------<BR>x3 9.1GB Ultra Wide SCSI Hard drives.<BR>Perfect for Fast transfer rates on any<BR>CyberStormPPC/CyberStorm MKIII Cards!<BR>----------------------------------------------------<BR>NTSC PAR Card - With HD, Software Manuals<BR>----------------------------------------------------<BR>SCSI x8/x20 CDR with 10 Blank CD-R's<BR>----------------------------------------------------<BR>IV24 Gfx Card and External Breakout box<BR>----------------------------------------------------<BR>Offers?<BR>----------------------------------------------------<BR>Email or SMS: (07812) 695277 202 101
AndyTyne Colchester Essex UK For Sale : <BR>Amiga A500+ with PSU, <BR>14"monitor, <BR>2Mb RAM,<BR>External floppy drive,<BR>A500-HD8+ Hard Drive, <BR>2MB unused RAM, <BR>Mouse and mat,<BR>2 Joystcks, <BR>1in/2out MIDI interface, <BR>Workstation, <BR><BR>Loads of Amiga Format mags. and cover disks and other software including: <BR>Civilization, <BR>Music X, <BR>Monkey Island 1, <BR>Elite 2 (Frontier), <BR>Battle Chess, <BR>Hunter Killer, <BR>Wings 2, <BR>Warlords, <BR>Prince of Persia, <BR>Exile, <BR>Waterloo, <BR>Design 3D, <BR>Conqueror, <BR>Delux Paint.<BR><BR>Sell as one £50 o.n.o. buyer collects. Either that or another Amiga is consigned to the dump! 202 101
Anthony Dartford Kent UK --------------<BR> HARDWARE<BR>--------------<BR>A1200 Keyboard x2 (internal) = £5 each<BR>A500 Keyboard (internal) = £4<BR>A1200 Floppy drive = £5<BR>A500(+) Power supply = £8<BR>ProMIDI MIDI interface = £5 (Power Computing still sell these for about 25<BR>quid!)<BR>Also any other bits you want from a A500(+) or A1200 I may have lying around<BR>Just ask me and I might have it.<BR>*Postage is all different for each item so let me know wot u want and I'll tell<BR>yer*<BR>--------------<BR> SOFTWARE<BR>--------------<BR>Original Workbench 3.0 disks<BR>Alien Breed II - The Killing Grounds = £5<BR>Sim City 2000 = £5<BR>Zeewolf 2 = £5<BR>DreamWeb = £4 (bit of tear on box tho)<BR>Mortal Kombat £4<BR>Seek and Destroy £3<BR>* postage and packing is included in price with all software *<BR>BTW: If you've got a copy of Lightwave 5 available, you can have the whole lot<BR>and whatever else I can find :-) <BR> 202 101
steveWright Salisbury Wilts UK For Sale :Hardware<BR>2 x A2000 keyboards £10 each +P+P<BR>1 dataflyer HD controller with 8 meg ramboard expansion £25 +P+P +software<BR>1 dataflyer HD controller £15 +P+P +software<BR>1 4x ide cd rom £10 +P+P<BR>1 A500+ keyboard £5 +P+P<BR>3 3.5 floppy drives with faceplates £10 each +P+P<BR>1 3.5 floppy from A500+ 10 +P+P<BR>1 amitex genlock £10 +P+P<BR>1 A2090 disk controller (this comes with a 20 meg original HD very heavy) £10 +P+P<BR>1 squirrel scsi interface boxed with software £20 inc P+P<BR>all the above is 100% working <BR>i would prefer postal orders as cheques take 7 working days to clear :(<BR> 202 101
Brian York N.Yorks UK For Sale :CD32 games---Fears--CD32 Gamer`94--Mean Arenas<BR>-Beavers--Total Carnage--Naughty Ones--Pirates!Gold.<BR>All 7 Disks for £10 plus p&p.<BR>Thanks. 201 101
AlanDaniels Doncaster South Yorkshire UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Amitek Hawk ram board for A1200 with 4 meg £20 or 8 meg £25 ono.<BR><BR>Floppy games:<BR><BR>Midwinter 2 (Flames of Freedom)<BR>Elite 2 (Frontier)<BR>Worms<BR>Alien Breed (Tower Assault)<BR>Flashback<BR>Space Queat 3<BR>Monkey Island<BR>Campaign<BR>Zool<BR>F1 Gran Prix<BR>£5 each includes UK postage.<BR>Shoot em up Construction Kit<BR>Superbase Personal <BR><BR>CD Titles:<BR><BR>Aminet 19<BR>World of A1200<BR>Prima Shareware v1<BR>Multimedia Toolkit<BR><BR>£6 each includes UK postage<BR><BR> 201 101
TrevorRedfern mansfield Notts UK For Sale : Games<BR>Chaos Engine 1200 £6<BR>Chuck Rock 2 son of chuck £6<BR>Frontier Elite II £6<BR>Grand Prix micropose £6<BR>Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 £6<BR>Lotus 3 £6<BR>R Type £4<BR>Sensible world of Soccer 94/95 £6<BR>all prices include postage<BR> 201 101
MichaelHutchison Halifax W.Yorkshire UK MISC HARDWARE FORSALE:<BR>-Quickshot II Turbo joystick - £5.00 inc p&p<BR>-ColourPic (Video Grabber) - [Operational status: may not work!] - £15 inc p&p<BR>-1x PRINTER RIBBON - £2.00 inc p&p<BR> Black ribbon cartridge compatible with:<BR> Brother; DM5, M1009, M1024, M1109, M1224, M1209<BR> Centronics; 3101, 3102, GLP<BR> Commodore MPS803, Sanyo Micron 3101, Schneider NLQ 401<BR><BR>AMIGA SERIOUS SOFTWARE FORSALE:<BR>-Animate 3D & Sculpt 3D - £15.00<BR>-Deluxe Paint v1 - £2.00<BR>-Deluxe Paint v2 - £2.50<BR>-Deluxe Paint v4 - £4.00<BR>-Fonts (truetype & others) CD - £2.50<BR>-Kindwords v3 - £3.50<BR>-Photon Paint - £2.50<BR>-Pixmate (image manipulation) - £2.50<BR><BR>AMIGA GAMES FORSALE:<BR>-Batman [the Movie] - £3.50<BR>-Cannon Fodder1 - £4.00<BR>-F/A 18 Interceptor - £2.50<BR>-Robocop 3 - £3.50<BR>-Worms - £4.50<BR>-Zeewolf - £4.50<BR><BR>IMPORTANT NOTES:<BR>- All items are in good condition.<BR>- Please note that P&P will be extra, unless stated otherwise.<BR>- Overseas postage is usually 50-100% more (depending on weight), and over-rules any items with postage included.<BR>-You can pay by: cash, postal order, Euro-cheque, or cheque - if not in UK Pounds Sterling, it will have to include a bank fee of £1.00 (or equivalent in your currency).<BR><BR>I live in Halifax, W.Yorkshire, UK, if you want to collect in person.<BR>Please reply by email.<BR><BR>** NO TIME WASTERS, PLEASE. ** 201 101
John Folkestone Kent UK For Sale :A1200 powertower OS 3.5, 2.1 gb hd, cd rom, 2x floppy, bliz 030 16mb,keyboard & mouse additional bog standard A1200 desktop. <BR><BR>Bliz 603e 240 mhz 32mb ram & bvision graphics card, power flyer, IOBlix fast serial port.<BR><BR>All together with some software/games and magazine cds<BR><BR>£200 201 101
Mark Dorchester Dorset UK I have one GVP 4MB 64-pin SIMM for sale. Brand new in factory-sealed, shrinkwrapped GVP box.<BR><BR>For use with most 68030 and 68040 GVP accelerators for A2000, 3000 & 4000. Genuine GVP product, not a third-party "clone".<BR><BR>£25 (half Power Computing's price, and theirs may not be genuine GVP). Can post worldwide.<BR><BR>-- Mark<BR> 201 101
PeterHutchison Halifax W Yorkshire UK For Sale :<BR> Hardware for sale: <BR><BR> Datel 200W PSU £15<BR> Power 880K Floppy Drive £8<BR> Workstation case £5<BR> Spectravideo Joystick £3<BR> 3.0 Kickstart ROMs £2<BR> DaataScan Handy B/W Scanner + GOCR £10 ono<BR> Phono Audio leads £0.50<BR><BR> NB: Postage extra.<BR><BR> Amiga software sale:<BR> --------------------<BR> Original Floppies<BR><BR> Chaos Engine £1.50<BR> Civilisation £1.50<BR> Fears AGA £1.50<BR> Gloom AGA £1.50<BR> James Pond 2:Robocod £1.50<BR> Mortal Kombat £1.50<BR> Nigel Mansells WC AGA £1.50 <BR> Pinball Fantasies £1.50<BR> Pinball Mania £1.50<BR> Sports Masters £2.00 <BR> <BR> Blitz Basic 2 + BUMS + BSS £4.00<BR> Scenery Animator £1.00<BR> <BR> CDROMs<BR> ------<BR> AmigaOS 3.5 £10<BR> Aminet CDs £2 each<BR> Aminet Set 3 £3<BR> Amiga Active 8 Coverdisk £0.50<BR> <BR><BR> Books for sale <BR> --------------<BR> 68000 Assembly Language + Devpac 2 £3.00<BR> Amos Users Guide + Amos Coverdisks £3.00<BR> TurboPrint 4/6 manuals only £1.50<BR> TI99/4A Beginner Programming + tapes £2.00<BR> Add £2.00 per book for P+P <BR><BR><BR> Postage<BR> Harware: £2 or more (depends on weight)<BR> UK: Add 80p per floppy or CD for P+P<BR> Europe: Add £3 per game or CD for P+P/Exch Fees<BR> POs or cash preferred<BR> World: Add £4 per game or CD for P+P/Exch Fees<BR> Cash or cheques in UKP preferred 201 101
AlanBarton Lisburn Antrim UK This User's Classified advert has been removed - This sort of thing should really be posted on our sister site <a href="HTTP://"></a> - Please don't use Amibench's classifieds in this way in the future<br> --<br> Mark 'tecno' Wilson : Team Member of AmiBench<br> Web: <a href=""></a><br>Email: <a href=" Main Page"></a><br> ICQ Number: 39814816<br> 198 101
ryan Harrogate N Yorks UK A1200T PPC<BR>Full tower case<BR>PPC603 240-040/25mhz<BR>34Mb RAM<BR>1.5Gb HD<BR>14" monitor<BR>32X cd-rom<BR>sampler,video digitiser<BR>lots of games and s/ware<BR><BR>320 quid ono 200 101
JohnWhite london england UK This User's Classified advert has been removed - This sort of thing should really be posted on our sister site <a href="HTTP://"></a> - Please don't use Amibench's classifieds in this way in the future<br> --<br> Mark 'tecno' Wilson : Team Member of AmiBench<br> Web: <a href=""></a><br>Email: <a href=" Main Page"></a><br> ICQ Number: 39814816<br> 200 101
Boris London London UK AMIGA FORMAT CD-ROMS Every single cover CD-ROM (AF1 to<BR>AF136) plus AF bonus CD-ROMs: Phase 1 & 2, Scene Storm<BR>and The AGA Experience. Offers Please! <BR><BR><BR> 200 101
Boris London London UK AMIGA CD-ROMS (some work on the CD32 and also depending<BR>on your setup)(@ £10 each UK p&p included) Amiga Active 6-12 (all for £4), Artworx CD, CDPD (includes Fred Fish disks 1 to 600),Demos Are Forever,F1 Licenceware (F1-01 to F1-100), Final Odyssey, Flight Of The Amazon Queen, Socrates Interactive Patient Education (Dentistry), Street Racer, The Curse of RA (rare CDTV title), Uropa 2, Virtual Karting 2, Xenon II Megablast (very rare original CDTV version (£20). 200 101
Boris London London UK AMIGA CD32 Games (@ £10 each UK p&p included) Alfred Chicken, Amiga CD! Magazine 1-3 - 1st ever Amiga CD Magazine(£3), Amiga CD32 Gamer 1 (£1), Amiga Power Games Massive (£1), Brutal Football, Bubble and Squeak, CD32 1 & 2 (£2), Chaos Engine, Chuck Rock, D/Generation, Deep Core, Guardian, Insight Dinosaurs, Insight Technology, Last Ninja 3 <BR>Little Devil, Marvins Marvellous Adventure, Myth, Sensible Soccer (Limited Edition), Sleep Walker, Super Methane Bros, Total Carnage <BR>Trolls. 200 101
JorgeCanelhas Queluz Portugal PORTUGAL For Sale :<BR><BR>Cybervision 64 with 4MB<BR><BR>USD $150 199 101
PJH Bromley Kent UK Can Simon Sawdy please get in touch with me...<BR><BR>Or if anyone has any info about Simon please drop me a line<BR><BR>Thanks Amibench 199 101
JamesAdelman Harrow Middlesex UK To add to my previous offering:<BR><BR>15" Belinia monitor, which works with the Scandoubler/Flickerfixer.<BR><BR>I've had quite a bit of interest in the sd/ff, but those of you who have offered a price have all offered the same price, so I'll wait for a better offer, or flip a coin.<BR><BR>Oh, and the 030 & 8 meg simm is currently taken.<BR> 199 101
ChrisAppleton Sheffield South Yorks UK For Sale : Due to lack of space, the following system is up for grabs... Amiga A1200 in a PC Desktop case, Blizzard PPC 603e @ 160MHz + 68040 @ 25MHz, AteoBus system with Pixel64 GFX Card. 32 Meg fastRAM, 3.2Gb HDD, power computing HD Floppy drive, internal IDE Zip drive, 32x CD-Rom, Eyetech IDE Mk4 Interface, Eyetech PC Keyboard interface, Power Computing PC Mouse interface. This system is a beauty, but it must go :/<BR><BR>Does not include monitor but a standard PC SVGA one will go wonderfully with the GFX card. Please email me with any queries. Looking for offers around £300 please. 199 101
NathanaelSteele Bangor Co.Down UK For Sale :<BR>In view of the lack of interest on the Mega CD im now knocking it down<BR>to £15 with 2 controllers, a MegaDrive, a mega games cartridge and<BR>Jaguar XJ220 on CD.<BR> 199 101
DuncanRace Hatfield Herts UK For Sale :<BR>Amiga A4000 motherboard with new battery and 3.1 ROMS £60<BR><BR>Elbox Z3 busboard (from Power Tower) £50<BR><BR>Scanmagic internal scandoubler £20<BR><BR>Logitech Wheel mouse and Punchinello Mk 2(boxed unused)£15<BR><BR>68040/25 card for A4000 £10<BR>68030/25 card for A4000 £5 199 101
Derek Manchester . UK For Sale :2x Logic 3 Amiga Attack joysticks. Boxed. New<BR>£10 the pair with free UK pp 198 101
DavidLewis London Middx UK FREE Amiga 500 complete with memory upgrade tv converter various discs joy stick and "action replay"<BR>Please just come and get it 198 101
LucaOgnibene Udine FVG Italy Original utility software: LAST CALL!<BR>- DOpus Magellan II V5.82 (disks + manuals) 60 DM, $28 USD<BR>- Linux Red Hat V5.1 68k (CD-ROM) 15 DM, $8 USD<BR>- HyperCache Pro V2.0 (disk + manual) 8 DM, $3 USD<BR>- DICE C Compiler V3.2 (disks + AmigaGuide manual in italian) 30 DM, $15 USD<BR>- Termite V1.00 terminal emulation program (disk + manual) 8 DM, $3 USD<BR>- Amiga Developer CD V1.1 (CD-ROM) 20 DM, $10 USD<BR>Everything in "just as new" condition!<BR>Hardware:<BR>A fully working A500 Rev.3 motherboard (NTSC) for 25 DM, $10 USD<BR>I'll send all the stuff everywhere.<BR>Contact:<BR>Luca Ognibene,<BR> 198 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Wordsworth 7 CD<BR>Fusion CD<BR>PCx CD<BR>Personal Paint 7.1 CD<BR>Photogenics 2 CD<BR>Wordsworth Office CD<BR>Deluxe Paint 5 CD<BR>Aminet 13,17,18,21-27,30-36 (inclusive) CDs<BR>LSD volume 1,2,3 CDs<BR>Also Various Shareware, Graphics, Font, and Sound CDs<BR>As well as most CU Amiga and Amiga Format CDs<BR><BR>offers 198 101
JamesAdelman Harrow Middlesex UK For Sale :<BR><BR>A1200 in Power Tower<BR>Apollo 68060 50MHz<BR>32 Megs Fast Ram (Single Simm) (standard 2 Megs Chip Ram)<BR>2 Gb IDE Hard Drive<BR>IDE CD-ROM drive (8x)<BR>4-way IDE splitter<BR>AmigaOS3.5 (plus Linux and NetBSD if you want them)<BR>Keyboard Adapter and Windows Keyboard<BR>Internal Scandoubler/FlickerFixer<BR>External 56k Modem<BR>Apollo 68030 40Mhz<BR>8 Meg SIMM for above <BR>(this SIMM is listed seperately because installing both SIMMs in the '060 makes problems running Linux, but no problems were clear under AmigaOS)<BR><BR>Most issues of Amiga Format since 1991, with disks/CD-ROMs.<BR><BR>Games including:<BR>Foundation<BR>Zool<BR>Elite<BR>Frontier: Elite 2<BR>Sensible World of Soccer<BR>Lemmings<BR>Oh No! More Lemmings<BR>Civilization<BR>Jimmy White's Snooker<BR>Zool 2<BR>Speedball<BR>Indy 500<BR>Syndicate<BR>Worms<BR>Pinball Fantasies<BR><BR>Also,<BR>NetConnect 2 package<BR>Voyager 3 upgrade<BR>Amiga Developer CD 2 (for OS3.5)<BR><BR>Open to offers. <BR>Will consider splitting if worthwhile (especially the '030).<BR> 198 101
matt thornton,blackpool lancs UK For Sale :......2.5"HDS.........<BR>40-MEG=2.00<BR>60-MEG=2.50<BR>200-MEG=5.00<BR>500-MEG=15.00<BR>ALL DRIVES ARE FORMATED AND PLUS 1.50 PER DRIVE PP<BR>.......3.5"SCSIHD.........<BR>1 GIG SCSI 15.00(NEEDS FORMATING)<BR>1 MYSTERY SIZE (NO LEADS TO FORMAT IT) 6.00 GO ON TAKE A GAMBLE<BR> 198 101
RaymondJekabson Folkestone Kent UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Disk Games:<BR>Trolls AGA<BR>Benefactor<BR>Narc (Boxed)<BR>Dynasty Wars (Boxed)<BR>Super Street Fighter 2 (Boxed)<BR>Jaguar XJ220 (Boxed)<BR>4D Sports Boxing (Boxed)<BR>Walker (Boxed)<BR>Disposable Hero (Boxed)<BR>Pinball Dreams (Boxed)<BR>Donk (Boxed)<BR><BR>I also have an internal IDE Mitsumi CD Recorder 4x Write 8x Read.<BR> 198 101
AndrewReed Hertford Hertfordshire UK For Sale :<BR><BR>A1200 PPC card - Working.<BR>Non SCSI, Dual '040@25mhz/PPC 603@160mhz <BR><BR>£150<BR><BR> 198 101
AndrewReed London Greater London UK For Sale :<BR><BR>(on behalf of a friend)<BR><BR>A1200 Tower (power)<BR>6GB Hard Disk<BR>060 Blizzard Board<BR>LS120 Drive<BR>High Density Floppy<BR>CD Rom<BR>1 External floppy drive<BR>Cannon BJC 620 Printer<BR>Epson GT5000 Scanner<BR>M1438s Monitor<BR>Solo Pace Modem<BR>2000 PMP Allion Amplified Speaker system<BR> <BR>+ Software and games.<BR> <BR>£400 o.n.o. 198 101
GAVINNAISH SOTON HANTS UK For Sale : Open for offers HP LASERJET PRINTER with 2brand new<BR>Toners (worth £60 each) and one 3/4 full. Very good printer 12 pages a<BR>minute (I think)<BR><BR>Also Citizen swift 24e colour dot matrix plus extras<BR><BR>And Brand new, boxed parrallel printer switch box with extra long<BR>parrallel cable.<BR><BR>Finally EZDFO with Samsung Disk drive, quite reliable. Has been<BR>modified to work with drive OK<BR><BR>I'll pay p+p in UK<BR><BR>Please make sensible offers on the following. 198 101
RobD west molesey surrey UK For Sale :a ppc 603 040\25 for a1200 with 32mb ram<BR>offers<BR><BR>a catweasel clockport expansion enabling you to use h/d drives<BR>offers<BR><BR>a citizen abc with drivers a 24 pin dot matrix printer<BR>offers<BR><BR>a star lc 200 24 pin dot matrix printer<BR>offers<BR><BR>aminet set 5<BR>offers<BR><BR><BR> 197 101
Matt Norwich Norfolk UK For Sale :<BR><BR>A1200 desktop computer £25<BR><BR>A1200 tower (infinity) inc keyboard, mouse, CD-rom, floppy-drive, HD £75<BR><BR>Commodore 1942 monitor £10<BR><BR>Playstation cartridge reader £8<BR><BR>SCSI connector £3<BR><BR>Dual serial output cable £3<BR><BR>Midi interface £5<BR><BR>Amiga OS 3.1 roms, books and software £10<BR><BR>Amiga games for sale<BR><BR>Microcosm, Oscar, Chaos engine, Nemac IV Directors cut, Diggers, Banshee, Fears, Sleep walker, Super skid marks, Dungeon master II, Gloom, Operation stealth, Pinball illusions, Civilisation, F19, Aladin, Capital punishment, Monkey island 1 & 2, Simon the sorcerer, Marvin's mavellous adventure, Worms, Subwar 2050, Jurrasic park, Their finest hour, Liberation, Breathless, Slam tilt, Alian Breed 3D, Themepark, Gloom, Super stardust.<BR><BR>£2 each or the lot for £35<BR><BR>Others<BR><BR>Blitz basic 2.1 £5<BR>Asim CDFS V3.0 £5<BR>CD Boot (Boots CD32 games on A1200) £5<BR>Master sound £5<BR>Vidi Amiga 12 inc vidi hardware unit £10<BR>Amos Pro £5<BR>Amos Craft £2 Amos stuff with books<BR>Wordworth 6 inc Extras £8<BR>Aminet CD7 - CD20 (11 is missing) £4 each or the lot for £30<BR>Magic publisher £5<BR>AGA utils 3 £3<BR>Messysid ConverterII £3<BR>WB3.0 software HD installer £3<BR><BR>Magazines & CD's<BR><BR>Amiga Format from June 1996 - March 2000<BR><BR>Amiga Magazine From November 1995 - September 1998<BR><BR>Offers please<BR><BR>LOADS OF BOOKS PLEASE ENQUIRE e.g Amiga helping books, programming, WB etc...<BR> 197 101
IanAisbitt Bedale NorthYorkshire UK For Sale :cd`s :- all 27 CUCD`s nos 1-27, AFCD`s :- no1, no 10 and 15-52 (the last one) inclusive thats about 38?, all the AACD`s - nos 1-22 - if you come and pick them up you can also have all the mags that go with them plus several others like ICPUG Journals and EM - there are hundreds of them. Alternatively I might meet you half way for a consideration - make a sensible offer for the lot and they are yours - I need the space ! I`ll also throw in the rest of my mig cd`s - things like the Dopus Tutor,Into the Net, Meeting Pearls, Epic encyclopaedia that sort of thing. :-) 197 101
Nck Reading Berkshire UK For Sale :<BR><BR>A2000 motherboard with 3.1 roms and case, rev.6 (I think)<BR>all in good working order.<BR>WILL NOT split rom's from MB<BR><BR>£20 excluding p+p<BR><BR>1084s monitor, gwo<BR>£10 excluding delivery 196 101
ShaneStrawn Blandford Dorset UK For Sale :<BR>64Mb double sided 60ns EDO SIMM £50<BR>2 3.5" Hard drives 540Mb & 435Mb, both in GWO,any offers ?<BR>Thanks Amibench, keep up the good work.<BR>Shane 196 101
IanAisbitt Bedale NorthYorkshire UK For Sale : Amiga books :-<BR>Mastering Amiga Programming Secrets. Paul Overaa £10+£2p&p<BR>Mastering Amigados Scripts Mark Smiddy £ 5+£2p&p<BR>Mastering Amigados 3 Mark Smiddy £ 5+£2p&p<BR>Amiga1200InsiderGuide & Amiga1200NextSteps(both) £6+£3p&p<BR>`total` Amiga Amigados Bruce Smith £5+£2p&p<BR>`total` Amiga Assembler Paul Overaa £5+£2p&p<BR>Amiga Assembler Paul Overaa £5+£2p&p<BR>Connect Your Amiga - Larsen & Futurenet Guide to Using the Net £5+£2p&p<BR><BR>Or £40 the lot inc.p&p<BR><BR>Amos Professional Compiler (unused set with manual)£5inc<BR><BR>Turboprint 7 and manuals (registered) £10 +£2 p&p <BR> 196 101
T.A.Morris NYC NY USA For Sale :<BR> <BR>1. Custom Made Amiga 4000 Tower in PC Server Case! 040@25mhz, 16mb Fast 2mb Video,<BR>3.1 Roms, OS 3.5 installed, 4.1 GB Storage on 2 Hard drives with tons of software,<BR>Megalsound Sound Sampler, Multiface III I/O accelerator board for 2 HighSpeed serial <BR>and 1 hispeed Parellel ports, SCSI controller w/SCSI CD Rom drive!<BR>All works great w/keyboard and mouse. $600 obo<BR>2. Video Toaster 4000 Board w/latest software + Manual $350 obo<BR>3. Amiga 4000 Desktop stock machine w/16mb RAM $400 obo<BR>4. Picasso II 24bit Grafx Card w/Cybergrafx CD $175<BR>5. Hydra Ethernet Card w/Envoy 3 CD $100<BR>6. Sunrize Studio 16 AD516 16bit Audio Card w/SMPTE $300<BR>7. SVHS Board for Toaster/Flyer Give your Toaster Svideo I/o $300<BR>8. Amiga 2000 REV 6.2 w/2.04 Rom and ECS, SCSI controller and Harddrive w/<BR>Toaster software installed $100<BR>Plus much more,<BR> just email.<BR>Thanks<BR> 196 101
LaurenceCummings Newtownabbey Co.Antrim,N.Ireland UK For Sale :Iomega SCSI ZipDrive with 9 Zip cartrides<BR>all 100mb!! - great for backup purposes!!<BR>complete with amiga software!!<BR>£75 + postage - 100% working order 196 101
LaurenceCummings Newtownabbey Co.Antrim,N.Ireland UK For Sale :Plextor 4x2x20 SCSI CD Rewriter<BR>works super with Make cd!! 100% Amiga friendly!!<BR>boxed with manual/s etc - Mint Condition!!<BR>originally purchased as a backup drive but was<BR>rarely ever used! £70 + postage<BR> 196 101
LaurenceCummings Newtownabbey Co.Antrim,N.Ireland UK For Sale :Plextor 4x2x20 SCSI CD Rewriter<BR>works super with Make cd!! 100% Amiga friendly!!<BR>boxed with manual/s etc - Mint Condition!!<BR>originally purchased as a backup drive but was<BR>rarely ever used! £70 + postage<BR> 196 101
LaurenceCummings Newtownabbey Co.Antrim,N.Ireland UK For Sale :Plextor 4x2x20 SCSI CD Rewriter<BR>works super with Make cd!! 100% Amiga friendly!!<BR>boxed with manual/s etc - Mint Condition!!<BR>originally purchased as a backup drive but was<BR>rarely ever used! £70 + postage<BR> 196 101
LaurenceCummings Newtownabbey Co.Antrim,N.Ireland UK For Sale :Blizzard 1230 MK4 50mhz Accellerator<BR>for A1200 comes with 50mhz Fpu & 8mb ram<BR>This board is in mint condition hardly used<BR>boxed complete with manual!!<BR>£65 inc' registered postage - this is a bargain!!<BR> 196 101
Ryan Harrogate N Yorks UK A1200T full Eyetech tower<BR>PPC 603e 240/040-25<BR>14" Monitor<BR>34 Mb RAM<BR>1.5Gb HDD<BR>32X cd-rom<BR>4-way interface<BR>lots of games, software, cds<BR><BR>350 quid ono<BR> 196 101
SeverinoC.M. Blimea Asturias Spain For Sale :<BR><BR>External Scandoubler/FF for any Amiga. Mod. Eyetech EzVGA.<BR><BR>Offers??<BR><BR> 196 101
Dan Wells Somerset UK For sale:Amiga A500 with 2 floppy drives,1 meg ram upgrade/real time clock,Monitor lots of software and Office program<BR>Offers? 196 101
BarryRiddiford Blackpool Lancs UK For Sale : Eyetech Mk4 Tower. Includes motherboard, 3.1 Roms & keyboard. £45 ono<BR>Ring Martin 01253 300271 for more info 195 101
QuentinBrown Putney London UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Hardware £35 + p&p.:<BR>The A1200 is an original Commodore Rev 1B Motherboard with the standard amount of RAM and 60MB Hard Drive and PSU bought new when they first came out. 2X Quickjoy Jetfighter joysticks, 2X Quickshot II Turbo Joysticks (spring gone in one of the fire buttins for one), 2 mice, Philips CM 8833 monitor with 2 X Amiga to scart lead, U.S. Robotics Sportster 14,400 Fax modem. All complete with manuals and workbench/OS disks and almost as new.<BR> <BR>Serious Software (boxed with manuals): £5 each + p&p. some cheaper.<BR>Morph plus,<BR>Photogenics 1.1,<BR>Real 3D 2.4,<BR>Cinema 4D,<BR>DPaint IV,<BR>DPaint III,<BR>Photon Paint 2,<BR>Audio Master III,<BR>Fractuality,<BR>Amos,<BR>Amos 3D,<BR>Amos Compiler.<BR> <BR> <BR>Games (full, boxed with manuals): £4 each + p&p.<BR> <BR>Cannon Fodder,<BR>Body Blows,<BR>Harlequin,<BR>Epic,<BR>Assassin,<BR>Lotus III,<BR>Terminator II,<BR>Battle Chess,<BR>Full Contact,<BR>Stunt Car Racer,<BR>Gold of the Aztecs,<BR>Armour Geddon,<BR>The Killing Game Show,<BR>Polulous + The promised lands,<BR>Sim City,<BR>Their Finest Hour,<BR>Supercars II,<BR>The Immortal,<BR>B.A.T.,<BR>Gods,<BR>The Killing Cloud,<BR>Another World,<BR>Chronoquest II,<BR>Hunter,<BR>Awesome,<BR>Speedball 2,<BR>Skidmarks,<BR>Alien Breed,<BR>Body Blows.<BR> <BR> <BR>Games (possible disks missing but I'm not sure how many there were supposed to be, boxed with manuals): £1 each +p&p.<BR> <BR>Syndicate (disks 1+2),<BR>Wrath of the Demon (disks 1-4).<BR> <BR> <BR>Games (original disks no boxes): £2 each + p&P.<BR> <BR>Robocop 3, (additional dongle required to play which I can't find but may eventually turn up.)<BR>Turrican II.<BR> <BR> <BR>Empty Games Boxes with manuals but no disks( just in case anyone's interested):<BR> <BR>Moonstone,<BR>Lemmings 2 -the tribes,<BR>Legends of Valour,<BR>Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis,<BR>Monkey Island II,<BR>Corporation,<BR>Mega Lo Mania,<BR>Warzone.<BR>+ 3d construction kit (includes instructional video).<BR>All for £1 per sale (that means any number of them for £1)+ p&p.<BR> <BR> <BR>Miscellaneous Cd-roms: £2 each +p&p.<BR> <BR>Sounds Terrific double CD-Rom from Wierd Science,<BR>GFXs Sensation from Epic,<BR>17 Bit- Phase Four from Almethera<BR><BR><BR>I also have the CD's and floppy disks + manuals for Lightwave 4 and 5 which may be useful to someone as a backup resource or repplacement for damaged originals. No dongles though as I have done a cross platform uprage so it would be no use as working software or for upgrading just as a resource for a current user. £5 + p&p. <BR><BR>Most prices are negotiable and I'm prepared to offer big discounts on buying the hardware + a lot of software.<BR>e.g. £50 + p&p. the lot! 195 101
JonathanHaddock Canterbury Kent UK ***********************************************<BR> Amiga Clearout!!<BR>***********************************************<BR>Well heres a list of all the stuff I am selling.<BR>I will be away until friday so please excuse a <BR>late reply to e-mails if you are interested.<BR><BR>~~Hardware~~<BR>************<BR><BR>Keyboard Adapter - Manufacturer Power Computing<BR> Never used, as new<BR> £20 plus p&p (ono)<BR><BR>Hand Scanner - Manufacturer Golden Image<BR> Compatible with 500/2000/2500/3000<BR> NOT compatible with A1200<BR> Possibly colour (not 100% sure)<BR> Comes with software and manuals<BR> £15 plus p&p<BR><BR>~~Games (boxed all £5 plus p+p)~~<BR>*********************************<BR><BR>Beavers<BR>Bubble Dizzy<BR>Captain Planet and the Planeteers<BR>The Dizzy Collection<BR>Doodlebug<BR>Dungeon Quest<BR>Edd the Duck<BR>Keef the Thief<BR>Kid Gloves 2<BR>Pac-Land<BR>Pacmania<BR>Puggsy<BR>Putty<BR>Santa's Exmas Caper<BR>Spellbound Dizzy<BR>Worms<BR><BR>F-19 Stealth Fighter, (Missing keyboard Overlays<BR>and unboxed)--£3 +p&p<BR><BR>~~Applications (boxed)~~<BR>************************<BR><BR>ADI English 12/13 years (Damaged password sheet)<BR>(£5)<BR>Deluxe Paint III - £5<BR>Gold Disk Office -- £10<BR> 194 101
P.Burton Shipley West Yorks UK For Sale :A1200 with the following software & hardware: <BR>Personal paint 4 <BR>D/Paint 4 <BR>Wordworth <BR>Nigel Mansel <BR>Trolls <BR>Brian the lion <BR>Print Manager <BR>Scala 100 <BR>--------- <BR>Joy Stick <BR>Video Director <BR><BR>£40 the lot or any offers would be considered for individual items. <BR><BR>Plus P&P <BR> 194 101
JohnTeece Barnsley South Yorkshire UK For Sale : AMIGA 1200, 16MB, 50MHz accelerator, 500Mb hard disk, Sony CD drive, extra floppy drive, heavy duty power supply, Philips 8833/2 monitor. 29 Aminet CD's, 24 CU Amiga CD's, 35 Amiga Format CD's and 15 other Amiga related CD's. Large number of professional programs on floppy disk. £150. Located in Barnsley. 194 101
MartinBray Horley Surrey UK For Sale :<BR>AF CDs: <BR>4-7 (Sept1996-Dec1996)<BR>11-52 (Mar1997-May2000)<BR><BR>AF magazines: <BR>Issues 58-79 (April 1994-Dec1995) <BR>Issues 92-106 (Xmas96-Jan1998) <BR>Issue108 (March1998)<BR><BR>AmigaActive (Magazine and CD): <BR>4 (Jan2000)<BR>7-19 (April2000-April2001)<BR><BR>£offers<BR> 194 101
JakeFrederick Portland Me USA For Sale : 2 Boxes of Amiga Format, CU Amiga, Amazing Computing, and Amiga World magazines. These DO NOT come with any cover disks. Just pay the shipping and they are yours!!!! 194 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale :17" Digital monitor OSD adjusts every aspect<BR>of the monitor.<BR>Ideal with PICASSO IV or other graphics cards. Use with a switch box<BR>(available) to display Amiga and PC on the same monitor.<BR>Light home use as new boxed cables manuals<BR>Purchased from Blittersoft for £180<BR>ONLY £69<BR> 194 101
Greg London SW UK For Sale : PICASSO IV graphics card complete with all<BR>cables, software and manuals.<BR>ONLY £169 including insured postage 194 101
RaymondJekabson Folkestone Kent UK For Sale :<BR><BR>Viper 030 28Mhz Accelerator with 16Mb RAM for A1200. £45 193 101
Brian York N.Yorks UK For Sale :<BR>CD32 with controller,power pack and serial cable to connect to an Amiga.Also includes Network2 CD with various options to connect the two.No box.2 more CD32 games.£35 plus p&p. 193 101
MikeJeanes Wilmslow Cheshire UK For Sale : Full set of CU Amiga cover CD`s (1-27) for sale. No reasonable offer refused. Please allow £5 for Postage and packaging in the UK. Some odd Amiga Format CD`s also available. 193 101
DanielHutchinson Luton Bedfordshire UK Could Greg Mounty (regarding the sound card) please get in touch. I have just lost all my email including yours and your home address.<BR><BR>Sorry about this mess up 192 101
Nathanael Bangor Co. Down UK For Sale :<BR>Sega Mega CD2 with power supplies,Mega Drive 2, 2 controllers and a<BR>mega games cartridge, good condition. £50.<BR><BR>Amiga A1200 with PSU, mouse, original mousemat, zool, pinball dreams<BR>and a few other games and workbench 3.0 with all the manuals (A1200<BR>users guide and workbench manual) £30<BR><BR>Amiga A600 with mouse and workbench 2.04 and a few random programs if<BR>you want :) £5<BR>Im selling all of these cos theres no room for them and im saving up<BR>for a CD32<BR>buyer pays postage.<BR><BR>Nathanael<BR> 192 101
Nathanael Bangor Co. Down Ireland For Sale :<BR>Sega Mega CD2 with power supplies,Mega Drive 2, 22 controllers and a<BR>mega games cartridge, good condition. £50.<BR><BR>Amiga A1200 with PSU, mouse, original mousemat, zool, pinball dreams<BR>and a few other games and workbench 3.0 with all the manuals (A1200<BR>users guide and workbench manual) £30<BR><BR>Amiga A600 with mouse and workbench 2.04 and a few random programs if<BR>you want :) £5<BR>Im selling all of these cos theres no room for them and im saving up<BR>for a CD32<BR><BR>Nathanael<BR> 192 101
AndreaCampanini Forlì Emilia-Romagna Italy original Amiga games for sale; just email me for the list. 192 101
deuteros Watford Herts UK NB: All price subject to post charge in addition<BR><BR>AMIGA MAGAZINE CDs (45 in all, all in jewel cases) -- 50p each or 12 for £5<BR><BR>Amiga Format CDs (Aug-Dec 96, Xmas 96, Jan-Dec 97, Xmas 97, Jan-Dec 98)<BR>Amiga Format CDs (Xmas 98, Jan-May 99, Jul-Aug 99, Nov-Dec 99, Xmas 99)<BR>CU Amiga CDs (III, 13, 24)<BR><BR>I have the AF mags from Mar 97 onwards if anyone wants them... no extra charge but bear in mind post costs<BR><BR>AMIGA GAMES ETC -- £2.50 per title unless stated<BR><BR>Grand Prix (black box, with manuals etc) -- £1.50<BR>Lemmings (black box, manuals etc) -- £1.50<BR>Pegasus<BR>Eye of the Beholder II<BR>The Chaos Engine<BR>Menace<BR>Xenomorph<BR>Shadowworlds<BR>Shadowlands<BR>Utopia<BR>K-240<BR>Shadow of the Beast<BR>Shadow of the Beast II<BR>RVF Honda<BR>TV Sports Football<BR>Awesome<BR>AMOS Pro -- £5 (fairly heavy with bulky manuals!!)<BR>Microcosm CD32<BR>Aminet Set 3<BR><BR>If it's not sold here then I'll chuck it on auction at Ebay or Yahoo or somewhere... 191 101
tony colwyn bay wales UK WANTED-i know this is the"for sale"bit but who reads the wanted ads.<BR>I need a "clock-up" 4 way clockport splitter for an A1200 urgently.<BR>PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!<BR> 191 101
AdamMarks Glasgow Strathclyde UK Urgently required: Workbench 3.1 or above, on 3.5" floppy for A1200. Either original or copy would be fine, please get hold of me asap. 191 101
KevinTwyman Canterbury Kent UK For Sale : ProGrab 24RT Plus. Boxed and in excellent condition, comes with<BR>PCMCIA Interface and software. <BR>£70<BR> 191 101
Amanda Burnley Lancashire UK For Sale :<BR><BR>GOOD HOME NEEDED FOR:<BR><BR>Amiga 1200 Desk Top Dynamite with ALL connection cables, external disk drive, 4 Joysticks, mouse, power pack, ALL original master discs and ALL instruction manuals (Deluxe Paint 1V, Workbench, Wordworth etc & user guide book). In immaculate condition. £60<BR><BR>Panasonic Dot Matrix Colour Printer in excellent condition. £20<BR><BR>Loads of BOXED games thrown in if you can give Amiga & printer a new home together. 191 101
Martyn Swansea West Glamorgan UK For Sale :<BR>Apollo 1230-40. Still with instructions and 16Meg SIMM<BR>which was bought with it, and an 8Meg too if you want it.<BR>V. good reason for sale (upgrade to 040).<BR>Make me a reasonable offer; and it's yours.<BR>Thanks<BR>Martyn<BR> 191 101
PeterHamilton EDINBURGH LOTHIAN UK For Sale :<BR><BR>ACCLERATOR - Apollo 1240/28 + 16 MB......£60.00<BR><BR>340 Meg HD - IBM......£25.00<BR><BR>A500 PSU - A bit more power and a lot more stable than the bog standard A1200 PSU......£5.00<BR><BR>PCMCIA Networking Card & some Twisted Pair Cable......£25.00<BR><BR>Or will sell as a job lot for £80.00 - It's a good way to soup up that old vanilla A1200!! 191 101